Lyngdal municipality – school starts in Lyngdal municipality

Lyngdal municipality – school starts in Lyngdal municipality

Lindale Elementary Schools begin the new school year on Thursday, August 18th.

School start times

  • Berge Primary School, Elementary School and Årnes School starts at 08.40, and ends at 14.20
  • Kvås School: at 08.25 to 13.10
  • Lingdale High School: at 08.40 to 14.20
  • Konsmo School: at 08.05 to 13.50
  • Pairimo Children’s School: at 08.25 to 14.05
  • Beremo Middle School: at 08.25 to 14.11
  • Adult education, department room: at 08.15 to 13.50
  • Adult Education, Byremo Division: 08.25 to 14.05
  • Preparatory group for children (at the adult education headquarters in Rome): 08.40 to 12.30

The cultural school begins studies at week 34.

Welcome to the new school year!

With Regards
Ingrid Alden, Business Director Growing Up

Rules to remember for 6-year-olds on their way to school

Many new first graders are excited about what it will be like to start school. But many, especially parents, are equally excited about the path of school, and how it should be safe and secure for young children. So, Trygg Trafikk has put together some common recommendations and tips that they are now sharing at the start of the new school year.

Here are some good rules to remember for 6-year-olds on their way to school for the first time:

  • Use your eyes! Always watch out for yourself when you are out in traffic
  • Use your ears! You can’t always see cars coming. Also listen for a car you don’t see behind a house, around a bend, or up a hill
  • Stop it! Always stop before crossing the road. Look, listen and check it’s clear
  • Use a reflective jacket! The yellow color makes you visible in daylight and the reflective strips will light up in the dark when cars come. When you are seen, you are safer
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Safe School Road - Image (002) .JPG
Trygg Trafikk has put together some common recommendations and tips they are now sharing at the start of the new school year.

media material

safe passage The 6-year-olds on their way to school booklet is a booklet for parents, but it’s also a good guide and guidelines for schools and educators. Traffic education is more than just rules. It’s about preventing accidents in the long term, and forming good attitudes early, both at home and at school.

Where possible, it is recommended that children go to school. Physical activity and fresh air make children more likely to go to school. If there were more people walking, there would be fewer cars on the school road. This makes the local school environment safer and more enjoyable.

For various reasons, some children have to be taken to school, either by car or by bus, and the brochure “The 6-year-old on the way to school” contains good advice on how to do this best.

You can download the brochure via the button link below.

6 year olds on their way to school

Trygg Trafikk has also prepared the brochures “Particularly dangerous or difficult school roads” and “School road cycling”. The first goal is to be a guide for both parents and case managers who must provide good information on assessing whether the school path is dangerous or challenging—or not, and regarding students’ right to free school transportation.

The school road is especially dangerous

Cycling on the way to school

Existing links

Safety equipment tips

Kids Traffic Club

See Zero Agder

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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