Mallorca: Corona Numbers & Event – Is the Holiday Threatening to Explode?

Mallorca: Corona Numbers & Event – Is the Holiday Threatening to Explode?

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Corona event on the rise in Mallorca – Holiday in danger?

Corona: Mallorca fights a large number of infections

Corona: Mallorca fights a large number of infections

Spain meets the fifth corona wave. This means that the popular holiday island of Mallorca is on the verge of tourism. The island is battling a fast-growing epidemic.

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The number of epidemics in Mallorca is exploding. The delta variation spreads. Vacationers wonder what will happen on their travels.


  • Mallorca has long shone with low incidence, and now corona numbers are rising again
  • The country could soon be upgraded to more events, which could have repercussions for non-vaccinated vacationers
  • Is the Mallorca vacation at risk now?

The number of corona in Mallorca continues to increase. On Tuesday, the seven-day event saw 112 cases per 100,000 residents. A total of 221 new corona cases have been reported. The highlight of the Mallorca 50 is not far from the threshold. For a long time, even on the island, events were minimal. Eventually it suddenly changed.

So the island’s prime minister, Franினாois Armenha, is angry: “If anyone plans, go back.” Mallorca To misbehave, then it is better that he stays at home. “Armingol’s anger goes to those young tourists, who contributed to this as there were more parties in June Mallorca has experienced a violent corona rebirth. An accident Uncontrolled fistas And by Delta-variation Used. This can endanger the tourist summer on the popular holiday island. Waterfall Holidays In the water in Mallorca?

Is Mallorca at risk for the holidays?

This scene is a dream come true Millions of European vacationersThose who want to spend their holidays in Mallorca in July or August. For several months the condition was stable and the number of new infections was very low.

But now, with the onset of high season, the number of infections is exploding. The hotel industry says it was “a disaster.” Corona May destroy the second summer in a row. Seaman Point Parsley, chairman of the Mallorgan Hotel Group Barcelona, ​​warns that the economic impact on tourism could be “dramatic.”

Mallorca: The delta variant is spreading

“The number of cases is increasing tremendously”, the headline of the newspaper “Diario de Mallorca”. According to the latest data available, weekly events on the island of Balearic have quadrupled in a short period of time. The last is official Seven day event Already over 100 – and the trend is growing. From the 50s range, for example, Germany, Mallorca’s most important travel market, can declare a region a high-risk area. In Germany, the comparative value is currently five.

More interesting: It was like that at the Corona Isolated Hotel in Mallorca

The hochansteckende delta-variation According to Javier Arons, a Corona spokesman for the island government, Mallorca is already responsible for at least 28 percent of all infections – and that value is rising rapidly. On other Spanish holidays, such as Catalonia, Delta’s share is now estimated at 50 percent.

That is why there are growing fears that the situation in Spain, the most popular holiday destination for Germans, may get out of control again: the dream island of Mallorca and other Spanish holiday destinations will soon be recognized by the German Robert Koch Company (RKI). Virus Variation Area Assorted? How did this happen with Portugal where Delta is already a major virus type?

Returnees to Portugal So they had to be in compulsory isolation in Germany – even if they had been vaccinated and tested negative. As a result tens of thousands of vacationers in Portugal canceled their vacations. Joao Fernandez, of the Tourism Office on the Alcarve Holiday Beach, says it was a “big blow” to the Portuguese travel industry. RKI speaks out against the move, saying it will make Portugal more vulnerable from Wednesday. This means there is no need to isolate those who are fully vaccinated. Read here: New hope for holidaymakers in Portugal.

Altor’s boss: Mallorca “on the edge of the abyss”

Nevertheless, Willie Verhuen, president of Tour Operator Altors, warns that Mallorca should be classified as a virus variation area. “If that happens to Mallorca too, the summer of 2021 is over and we will have to close hotels,” he said. Werhuen looks back at the island “on the edge of the abyss”. He demands Tourists are not allowed to drink, Strict restrictions and severe fines. Mallorca’s curfew order, which currently only begins at 2 a.m., is expected to be carried out at 11 p.m.

Portugal Advertised in the spring as Mallorca, with very low infection rates and expects a resumption of tourism. The dream exploded: the two most visited holiday forts, Lisbon and Al Corve, once again became high-risk areas overnight: Algarve now has 7 day events in 284 cases per 100,000 population, and Lisbon’s value is again 269 One night curfew order.

Mallorca’s situation threatens to escalate

There is no denying that Mallorca’s situation will similarly escalate. Thousands of Spanish students flocked to Playa de Palma in Mallorca in June to celebrate their graduation. At least 1,800 of them later traveled home with corona infection. A group of young people from Luxembourg in Mallorca also became infected. A disaster for the image of a Mediterranean paradise advertised as a “safe vacation destination”.

Mallorca is not the only corona hotspot in Spain. In the northern Spanish holiday region Catalonia It looks even worse with the Mediterranean metropolis of Costa Brava and Barcelona. The seven-day incidents rose to 233 cases per 100,000 population – for this reason, Catalonia has again been declared a risk area by Germany; The RKI has reported that Andalusia in southern Spain has long been a high-risk area along the Costa del Sol holiday coast. On the Canary Islands Tenerf Event value is already 132 at the neighboring beach paradise F ஃபrdeventura 98. The nationwide event in Spain is now over 100.

Spain all say they care about corona numbers

Thousands of new infections are reported every day in Spain. Anxiety numbers Higher rates of infection Remember the previous virus waves. For Spain, this is already the fifth corona wave, now rolling over the kingdom. In the past this country has always been one of the European hotspots.

According to the “Built” report, increasing infections in Mallorca and Spain are causing dissatisfaction with the CDU. At a party presidium meeting on Monday, Baden-Wப்rttemberg Interior Minister Thomas Strobe complained that the stadiums were full, the ballerina was open, and the last seat was full of planes. “From an infectious point of view, Ballerman is crazy,” Stroble said.

The FDP criticizes CDU politicians

The newspaper fears the government could upgrade Mallorca to a virus-infected area. Isolation is therefore mandatory again for those who have been vaccinated twice. This is causing criticism in the ranks of the FDP. “Since no one knows what the federal government’s real goal is in opposing the Corona, apparently every union politician thinks he can demand restrictions on fundamental rights without further justification,” FDP politician Wolfgang Kubiki told Bild.

Federal Foreign Minister Haiko Mass does not currently consider the corona situation in Spain to be a concern despite the rising number of infections. “There are no signs of improvements leading to fears that in the near future German tourists will no longer be able to go on holiday in Spain and we will have to make decisions again in the future,” Mass said in a visit to the capital Madrid on Monday. There is still reason to be cautious. But he does not currently consider it immediate to reintroduce the isolated obligation to return to Spain for vacation.

The only consolation in Spain is that most cases of infection are much easier than before. Undoubtedly a win Corona vaccinesIt is also making good progress in Spain. Nearly 40 percent of people now have complete vaccine coverage. Nevertheless, the hospital still has 2,400 Govt patients, 600 of whom are in the intensive care unit. The number of hospital admissions is now on the rise again.

This development shows that the corona is not under control, warns the Spanish Umbrella Association for Virologists. The ecstasy of the Spanish government, which has already announced victory against the epidemic, so recently Forced mask on the outside Removed, probably a little premature.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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