Matoma, Emily Hollo, Ramon, Odin Staveland, William Christophersen, Mary Bowen, Inger Helen Havik-Dagsavisen

Matoma, Emily Hollo, Ramon, Odin Staveland, William Christophersen, Mary Bowen, Inger Helen Havik-Dagsavisen

The most played Norwegian song last year was Bjørn Eidsvåg's “Floden”, in a new version with Emma Steinbakken. The third most played song was Issa's “Delilah”, in a new version with Emma Steinbakken. What these two songs have in common (besides Emma Steinbakken of course) is that they both came from the TV series “Hver Gang vi Møtes”.

“The River” was released just days before Christmas 2022, as a preview of the twelfth season of the series. It was an instant hit, and remained on the official Norwegian Toplista for almost all of 2023, until Christmas songs finally took over. “Floden” also became the biggest hit song in the 12-year history of “Hver gang vi møtes”, surpassing Vinny's version of “Sommefuggel i Winterland” by Halvdan Sivertsen from the first season in 2013. And more than ever, “Hver Gang We's “Encounter” left its mark on the Norwegian pop year.

For any new viewers, we will explain that “Hver Gang vi Møtes” is a program in which seven artists live together for a week, in recent years in Kjerringøy in Nordland. A number of Norway's best and most famous names have come out, introducing themselves and singing other people's songs with varying degrees of empathy, often outside of their comfort zone, or far from the original version.

Every time we meet

This is not a competition. No one gets voted out along the way, everyone is a winner in the end. In between these songs, the protagonist of the day talks about his life, often emotional accounts of difficult times that make everyone cry. These poignant stories offend some people, preferably those who don't actually watch them. Of course, artists could just rehearse the formal details of their greatest hits and skip the difficult pages, but guess what the skeptics would say then? Most people are not so interested in the music that they would follow it without this element, but in return they get to hear a lot of songs they wouldn't have known about, and learn a lot about the history of Norwegian pop.

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A very large number of Norwegian songs have been written in English. In “Every Time We Meet” we hear several of them translated into Norwegian for the first time, and then they are talked about as being “as good as new”. Many artists have made a strong rebound after a season in “Hver Gang vi Metes”. Above all, Kris Holsten, who then started singing in Norwegian, and within a short time became an artist at Oslo Spectrum. Eva Will Skram said that it was participation in “Hver Gang vi Møtes” that made her change the language of her songs, which has since made her one of the most popular artists in the country.

The young artists' quote in “Hver Gang vi Metes” proved effective. They don't have many songs that older viewers have heard before, but they bring a new audience to the show. Perhaps this age difference between participants leads to a greater understanding of developments in pop music. Even if “Floden” did not bring screaming youth flocking to concerts with Bjørn Eidsvåg, it gained greater respect among new generations.

Gabrielle is a guest singer with Matoma on Ramone's show later this season "Every time we meet".

There is a strong team lining up in the 13th season of “Hver Gang vi Metes”. Tom Strait Lagergren, better known as Matoma, will be released only on January 1. The show's first artist is primarily a record producer. The song that was sent out as the first warning of his day was with Emily Hollo, who sings “False Alarm” in Norwegian, “Falsk Alarm,” and has a very good chance of being an instant hit. By the way, this was one of the songs Adam Douglas won with “Stjernekamp” in 2017. Matoma rarely sings herself, and is supposed to bring a guest singer with her to play for the others every week. Here also one song was sent previously, nothing else She is there Gabrielle sings “Men Like Me” by Ramone.

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Ramon Torres Andreessen has been one of the biggest new names in Norwegian pop music in recent years. “An artist outside the norm” and “a voice capable of melting steel in the most sensitive moments,” we wrote about his debut album last year. It will be interesting to see and hear here, whether he explains, interprets or narrates.

Less popular among this year's participants is… Emily Hollow. It's only been three years since it was on the “13 of 130” recommended list before Bellarm, because it “features songs that are up close and personal.” Not only did she record these works herself, but she also gave them to artists such as Dagny, Scar and Emma Steinbakken.

Odin Staffland He is a well-respected solo artist, but is better known than Vamp. Others would probably limit themselves to the group's songs on which he himself left his mark, but 15 years later they have some songs to choose from. William Christopherson He also has an occasional hit up his sleeve after 40 years as a purveyor of Ole Ivars' most popular songs. He wasn't the lead singer of the group, but there was nothing to complain about with his voice. When other artists pay tribute Ingrid Helen Hovik Can they cover the songs of the group Highasakite, many of which are among the most popular songs in the country in the last ten years.

Mary Bowen She is the biggest legend in this year's Every Time We Meet. She had nearly 40 years of record releases behind her, and had been herself for a long time the sound In Sami music, she even recently gave birth to a new series of grandchildren. Her day could quickly become the most exciting of this year's season. Will someone sing in Sami? Will she herself sing some of other people's songs in Sami? In “Every Time We Meet” anything is possible.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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