May 17, Norway | Why do we need May 17?

May 17, Norway |  Why do we need May 17?

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the views of the author.

May 17 with a children’s train. And flags from all over the world. This year many Ukraine. And in northern Norway, many children want Sami flags and shrouds. For Norway, it should not end up becoming a geographic region high north where different groups live in parallel societies with widely different standards about right and wrong.

We must understand each other not only linguistically, but also in terms of each other’s actions and way of life. This is why May 17th is so important – and also to all those who don’t know about 1814, 1905, and 1945.

But there must be something down there, bringing us up north. Science? But to what extent does Norwegian consider this identity mark? Not much. The cross is imported at least from Rome. And as far as our Lord is concerned, he’s probably no Norwegian either!

The King comes from an immigrant family and he unites. But if Norway is a republic, can’t the president also be a symbol of Norway? And the language is important even if there are many who do not speak Norwegian!

The list could have been separated longer. But still, there must be something more that binds us together. Being Norwegian means being part of a community, a community based on some very basic values. Norway is a democracy. legal association. welfare society. This means that society is based on basic respect for the individual and his freedom.

By freedom we mean, among other things, personal freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and belief – that is, freedom to be different. And if we are to succeed in our efforts to be free to think differently about being Norwegian in a society with thousands of taboos associated with religion and culture, none of us have the right to feel offended that others are Norwegian in a different way than we are. !

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It’s time to meet as equals. But if you want to be part of Norwegian society, there are some very clear democratic rules of the game that are above any discussion.

And importantly – we all have a responsibility to become part of society. The core values ​​that we hold and protect are not exclusionary. They are inclusive. It is our concept of freedom that lends itself to diversity.

Our ancestors who rose from the poor community and built a society where they cared for and cared for each other. Of course, not everything was rosy, but the old ones are built on solid values ​​that must now be re-learned and preserved. In the workplace, at school, in the family, in the circle of friends, in teams and associations, and through political activities, they have gained life experience and a sense of security based on values ​​and norms. This is the glue that, in my opinion, is now loosening and that needs to be fixed again.

The Norway I sympathize with is an open and cosmopolitan country, unafraid of the wider world outside the kingdom. I am not afraid of the new and the unknown. Our multicultural “Norwegian” identity is very appropriate in the age of globalization in which we live. As citizens of the world from Norway, we have the added benefit of being able to open up and think in a new, unconventional and different way about being Norwegian.

We must not forget that in northern Norway there have been several groups of Norwegians over several hundred years!

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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