MDG demands Norway breach of trade agreement – also asks Huitfeldt to stay home from Winter Olympics – VG

MDG demands Norway breach of trade agreement – also asks Huitfeldt to stay home from Winter Olympics – VG
China asks questions: MDG’s Rasmus Hanson (right) challenges Store government about our relationship with China.

In the weeks leading up to the Beijing Olympics in China, the Green Party called on Foreign Minister Anniken Hoodfeld (Labor) to stay home and demand that Norway terminate free trade agreement negotiations with China.

– Norway is one of the few countries in the world that is most closely tied to dictatorship through the Free Trade Agreement, while it’s happening as criticism of China’s increasing brutality and human rights abuses increases in other parts of the world. Without real discussion on Sorting, MDG’s business policy spokeswoman Rosmus Hanson tells VG.

Therefore, the party presents a post Rendering In Sorting.

– We particularly urge Norway to suspend the so-called Normal Agreement and interrupt the free trade talks until the human rights situation in China develops in the right direction.

– Trouble

MDGs are often a one-party political force, and there are harsh languages ​​used by the Chinese giant.

Hanson says it is time to raise the debate on Norway’s relations with China within Sorting.

– China’s developments are going in a very confusing direction, the countries that are trying to bring this with China, are now facing strong sanctions. Most recently Lithuania. Norway must stand with the EU and Lithuania and make it clear that we do not accept this kind of tool.

Wants to drop negotiations: Rasmus Hansen believes a free trade agreement with China is not important for Norwegian companies.

He urges Norway to follow the EU.

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– The European Union has frozen its planned investment agreement with China. The Støre and Vedum government are moving in the opposite direction and demanding a free trade agreement with the Communist Party of China.

He listens to harsh Norwegian politics.

– Norway has signed an agreement restricting our ability to criticize China, and continues to work on a comprehensive free trade agreement to strengthen Chinese rule.

The Foreign Ministry says Norway is concerned about China’s human rights record and is doing so today.

– Secretary of State Evind Watt Peterson (Labor) says Norway has no restrictions on Chinese policy as a result of political normalization in 2016.

– Star example

Refers to the so-called MDG-Hansson Normalization agreement Since 2016.

– This is a great example of a democratic country putting the demands of an increasingly powerful dictatorship before its own interests. This agreement undermines Norwegian democracy and the right to self-determination, and should be stopped.

– Does applying for a free trade agreement provide an opportunity for influence in China?

– There are limits to what kind of regimes our economy and freedom of expression should depend on. MDGs are stronger supporters of international cooperation than most of Sorting, but we are also supporters of Norway. We think it is a problem not only for small regimes but also for large regimes.

Rejection of boycott: Foreign Minister Annigen Hoodfeld (Labor) was asked to stay home from attending the Winter Olympics in Beijing. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is not so. Here during the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Riga in December.

– That’s why Huitfeldt should be home

– This is a free trade agreement, we have been working on for many years, can it help Norwegian companies?

– Norwegian companies are doing well. Although China is a large market, Norwegian companies may or may not need a free trade agreement with China. But that is the right point, he says:

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– China uses its power to mix trade cooperation in pushing other countries’ policies and views on human rights. Norway should not accept it.

– These days we travel with a great team to the Winter Olympics in China. What do you think about it?

– We do not ignore the people, but we can ignore the dictators. Coaches have to travel. Relations between people and countries are good and important, but they, too, should be aware that Foreign Minister Annieken Hoodfeld, who will be there, said that Norway was not a small mini-football country at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

He adds:

With our gold in hand, China’s president and dictator Xi Jinping risks becoming the primary ambassador for the new Olympic victory.

Hanson pressures Secretary of State:

– That’s why Annigan Hoodfeld should be home.

UD: Huitfeldt goes to Beijing

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) rejects the fact that Huitfeldt did not travel to the Beijing Olympics.

– The Norwegian government has a long tradition of attending the Olympic and Paralympic Games as guests of the Norwegian Sports Federation, wherever the Games are organized. Secretary of State Evind Watt Peterson (Labor) says the government plans to attend the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing, subject to epidemic controls.

The Foreign Ministry says the potential trade agreement will not restrict Norway from addressing Norwegian social values ​​and human rights issues with China.

“We have common interests with China in areas such as trade, climate and the environment, while at the same time expressing concern about the human rights situation in China – both in the media, in the Chinese authorities and at various UN agencies,” Peterson said.

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– Speaks with two tongues

Addressing a meeting of the Digital World Economic Forum in Davos, the Chinese president said that China has already sent more than two billion vaccines to 120 countries worldwide and that another 1 billion doses are coming soon. Of these, 600 million will be sent to African countries and 150 million doses to countries in Southeast Asia.

In comparison, NTB writes that the international vaccine cooperation Covax has so far delivered 1 billion vaccines to developing countries.

Chairman: Guinness Chairman Xi Jinping.

“We need to get rid of the Cold War mentality and seek peaceful coexistence and get everything for everyone,” G said in the speech.

Hanson says this is good, but:

– If G says good things, we will listen. China also does a lot of good for its own population and does interesting things globally, which challenges Norway in a good way. But Xi speaks in two tongues. We too must listen to what others say and must dare to resist what we hear.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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