“Megatown” is the first of its kind in Norway and perhaps also in the world – NRK Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

“Megatown” is the first of its kind in Norway and perhaps also in the world – NRK Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Some people ride backwards, and some fall off the roof!

Morten Kvarmi at Megabandet is excited when he describes “Megatown,” the upcoming Western film in which he plays the role of the executioner.

All roles, approximately 70, are occupied by persons with disabilities.

This has never happened in Norway before. And as far as we’ve discovered, not on a global basis either, note producer Ole Jørgen Flått in Tickgarden.

Ole Jürgen Flat

Ole Jørgen Flått is the producer of the movie “Megatown”.

Photo: Kristen Breivik Owen/NRK

Filmed in five days

The mega band is a member of the national organization scatteringMusical presentation for the developmentally disabled.

On the occasion of Megaband’s 30th anniversary, a music video was to be made. But the good idea has grown. The music video became a feature film “Mega Town”.

With the support of Bufdir and Sparebank1 among others, the film became a reality.

The western movie “Mega Town” is perhaps the first of its kind in Norway where all the actors in the lead roles suffer from a disability.

The film crew rented the High Chaparral Cowboy theme park in Sweden, set out with 70 inexperienced cowboys and completed filming in just five days.

– They handled it absolutely brilliantly! Flått is proud of his early cast.

Morten Kvarme is happy to tell us more about the event.

– There is a huge explosion, someone will jump on a speeding train, a bank will be robbed, but there is no money there because the owner of the bank ran away with the money!

No noisy executioner

The new actor is sitting excitedly outside the cutting room at Drammen. Soon, Morten will see himself as a real actor for the first time in the unique movie.

According to Morten, “Mega Town” is a Western play with both action, humor, and complexities.

Cowboy movies are by no means unknown to the new western star.

– Clint Eastwood! I love him, I watched some of his movies. Then I watched the TV series Bonanza.

Morten himself had to be content with playing the executioner John Blonde in “Megatown”.

The film was shot at the Hei Chaparral theme park in Sweden.

Photo: screenshot from “Megatown”

Would you rather be like Clint Eastwood, right?

– Naaay. I got a lot of work. But even if the executioner is actually going to kill someone, he’s fine, Morten reassures.

He explains:

When the executioner John Blonde pulls the noose over the convicted man’s head, and the latter complains that the rope is rough and itchy, the friendly executioner rushes to the store and buys a fine, fine rope…

Who said hanging must be a painful and unpleasant experience? As he says in the movie.

The Minister of Culture is looking forward to it

He says it’s great and important that films like ‘Mega Town’ are being made. Culture and Gender Equality Minister Annette Trietbergstein to NRK.

And she adds:

This will be a film that will enrich our film culture. We can expect a lot of action and a lot of humor, and I can’t wait to see the movie when it’s over. Good luck with this assignment!

Annette Trettebergstuen

Culture and Equality Minister Annette Tribergstoen looks forward to seeing the film.

Photo: Snorre Tønset / Snorre Tønset / NRK

– amazing!

Megaband leader is Øystein Remme. He had the idea of ​​making a music video – an idea that ended up being a feature film like no other.

Øystein belt

Megaband leader Øystein Remme.

Photo: Kristen Breivik Owen/NRK

– That would be great! It looks very cool. After all, we had 29 people in cinema and audio with us, right there at the top of the category. And the actors were great, exclaimed Remy after watching the initial clips from the movie.

Dissimilis Secretary General, Benjamin Saturn Berjim, commends the film project.

The vision for this target group is very important. To show that they can. And of course this is quite innovative. Berjim says something similar was never created.

General Secretary of Dissimilis, Benjamin Saturn Clustered

General Secretary of Dissimilis, Benjamin Saturn Clustered

Photo: Desmiles

He likes to play in several movies

– It was very interesting, but also a little weird in fact, admits Morten Kfarm right after the premiere.

Mia Ellen Fredricksen plays Sally Quinn, a girl who has been fired from her job multiple times.

– Because she spreads rumors about other employees, reveals Mia, who also thought it weird seeing herself in a movie.

They both agree that they could play in more films. This flavor definitely added.

Megatown will premiere in January 2023, initially in two dramas.

It is not yet known which other cinemas to show it.
It’ll be the premiere party anyway.

Mia Ellen Fredricksen and Morten Kvarmi

Mia Ellen Fredricksen and Morten Kfarm are two of the actors in Megatown.

Photo: Henning Rønhovde / NRK

– Champagne, red carpet and appetizers! Øystein Remme says.

“I don’t drink alcohol,” Morten Kfarm answers.

– I’ll have to force you a little, Remme jokes.

Watch out, or I’ll hang you! Smiling at the cute executioner in response.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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