Meghan Markle’s stress patch is causing a stir: – False science

Meghan Markle’s stress patch is causing a stir: – False science
Meghan Markle’s stress patch is causing a stir: – False science

Duchess Meghan Markle has been photographed wearing a sticker that the company claims will relieve stress. It makes more people interact.


Duchess Meghan Markle received attention in Several newspapers For a special poster she was photographed with.

Vogue magazine He refers to it as an “anti-stress patch.”

It is a sticker, or as manufacturers call it; “Vital Signal Processing Plate,” from the brand NuCalm that she is photographed wearing.

The company claims that this tablet is an accessory to the NuCalm app – and that it “increases the depth of the relaxation response.”

Therefore, it should be used with an application that contains relaxing sound effects and music. According to the company, this would lead to reduced stress and improved sleep quality.

Guardian journalist He describes that the discs look like “stickers you find in a game store.”

Poster: or

It promises instant relief from stress

– NuCalm does not actually claim to process signals from the body, such as heart rate, and analyze this data. They just say that these stickers pick up vital frequencies, which are present in some way, and fix them, neuroscientist and University of Toronto professor Matthew Burke tells the British newspaper.

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On the company’s website, they promise “instant relief from stress, without medication.”

According to Jay Leshziner, professor of neurology and sleep medicine at King’s College London Daily MayFor, what the company promises sounds like pseudoscience – which means research that is presented as science, but does not meet the general requirements for it.

Placebo effect

Pamela B. Rutledge is director of the Center for Media Psychology in Boston and has written a commentary on the bandage Psychology Today.

She writes on the NuCalm website:

“It’s full of complex text and dense jargon, mostly related to how the body works, not how the patch works. I’m always concerned when explanations seem deliberately complicated and full of terms that most people don’t know. Big words aren’t a reliable way to validate a product, regardless How valid it is (like a Faraday bag, a Tesla coil, or a bio-signal processing board).”

However, she is open to the possibility that the placebo effect may have a direct effect on stress.

The placebo effect can affect health, even if the intervention cannot be “clinically proven,” she wrote.

-We need something that works

Guardian journalist Alina Demopoulos writes that she lives with an anxiety disorder and is one of many “who must navigate the hell that is the American mental health system.”

Expert advice: Here’s how you can deal with worry and anxiety

– I do not take it kindly when companies exploit this crisis to make money. She writes more and adds:

-We need something that works.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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