Mimir Kristjansson, Sofie Marhaug | Switzerland publishes book: – Bjørn Dæhlie is very cruel

Mimir Kristjansson, Sofie Marhaug |  Switzerland publishes book: – Bjørn Dæhlie is very cruel

Theaterkafen, Oslo (Netavisen): – I received 70,000 people, says Mimir Kristjansson, who received the tax notice this year.

For a man who has just learned that the state will empty his pockets, Rødt's profile is quiet.

– I thought I would hit 130,000, so I put the money aside, and he says he is 60,000 kroner richer than expected.

Netavisen has invited Kristjansson and his roommate Sophie Marhach to the famous Theater Cafe in Oslo, where rich people, journalists, lawyers and Fragner wives have long eaten on white tablecloths.

Both are Rødt's parliamentary representatives. Together they shouted, “Help, they're going to Switzerland!” The book will be published soon. About the Flight to the Alps, in the Fourlaget Manifesto.

– I don't understand why people say that

– Do you pay your taxes happily, Mimir?

– I don't understand why people say that. If I get slapped, I don't think, “Oh that's great, now I can't wait to pay off that slap because I love paying taxes.” This is a different expression. But I understand that we have to pay taxes. I'm all for it.

– There are two levels: Is the payment of tax necessary and right? Yes. Is it necessary to wash the bathroom? Yes, but I'm not interested in cleaning the bathroom.

That's why they wrote the book

Netavisen Rod pairs the old quiz game “Would You Like To Be A Millionaire?” challenges, which came out soon after the popular TV show.

For NOK 50 at Finn.no, you can find out which of the two will become a millionaire. But first we ask the authors what we want to do with this book and who will buy it:

– We hope everyone interested in politics will buy it. That's more than Switzerland. It's a lot about the Norwegian debate in light of Swiss migration, and Marhag starts to think about it in response.

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– People who have been to Switzerland can read it, she laughs.

Kristjansson says the book should be a counterweight to the general social debate about immigration, which he believes the left has lost:

– At first we thought that the Left would win the debate. For such whining riches go to Switzerland. Who is going to sympathize with that? I think that is the right idea. Erna Solberg said it wasn't Rokke's fault. But the Left has lost the debate.

– He's terrible

After two simple questions including two topics, Mimir Kristjansson, a big fan of cognac and the book “The Three Musketeers”, Marhac solved the question for NOK 3,000.

– How many parties were there in Pontevic I's government?

– I am seven years old, says Marhag sadly.

– Shocking. It's too bad, says a slightly shocked Kristjansson when Marhawk has to pick up the phone to call for help — one of the helpers.

Unfortunately, Patty doesn't remember the answer.

After asking the audience — two Netavisen journalists younger than Rod's main politician — he comes up with the correct answer: three parties. KrF, Center Party and Venstre.

After answering correctly what the doctor is measuring with an audiometer (hearing), Nettawissen wants to know what the two want to bring home in riches in Switzerland.

– Røkke, and there are many missteps in it, is closely connected to the psyche of the social democratic people in Norway. Despite everything, it's easy to like Røkke. In a sense, the richest person to decorate Norway. There's something different about third-generation shipping heirs moving to Switzerland, answers Kristjansson.

– Bjørn Dæhlie, so?

– Bjørn Dæhlie is very cruel. He says so many strange things, Rødt says the profile and shakes his head.

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– A good example

For NOK 10,000, Kristjánsson quite rightly replied that Israel was declared an independent Jewish state in 1948. Rødt profiles less enthusiastically when mentioning Israel, and rushes to the next question.

For NOK 20,000, Sofie Marhaug: How many times has Gro Harlem Brundtland formed a government? One, two, three or four times?

– He has been Prime Minister in three governments, but is that the same as forming a government? asks Marhaug.

When you get a position at Rødt, “forming a government” is obviously not on the curriculum. Nevertheless, Marhag concludes that the answer is three.

One disappointment for Marhaug and Kristjánsson in the property debate was the government's handling of the salmon tax. The tax was announced in the fall of 2022, but it took less than a year for the government to say what the money would be used for.

– If we are going to wage war against the rich, you must ensure that the common people and the poor get something out of it. The salmon line is a good example, says Kristjansson.

He pointed out that the government had waited until the 2023 election campaign. The actual price cuts won't be introduced until the autumn.

– Before a family notices anything positive about a salmon tax, it takes two years of discussion about the salmon tax.


After a flurry of salmon tax, Kristjánsson quickly offered NOK 40,000 to “Will you be a millionaire?” After the question about the color of jaguar fur.

But things go wrong for Marhawk, and the end falls.

  • “Who was appointed Minister of Church, Education and Research in the Stoltenberg I government?” is the question.
  • Sylvia Brustad, Trond Giske, Torey Dohn or Olav Axelsen?

After rejecting Brustad and Giske, Marhag uses his last help: 50-50.

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She left the two she now excluded. Brustadt and Giske.

– Then I'll take Prostat.

– This is Trant Giske.

– Is this true? Is he a church worker? I smoked in Trond Giske, Marhag says with frustration.

His face rests in his hands. Mimir Kristjansson raises his fist. Man's success in relationship.

– This is a paradox

As we return to the interview, Kristjansson reveals that the book is, in a sense, built on irony.

– The irony in the book is that the left should care less about the rich. That is why we have written this book about rich people. But the point is, to reach such insights, one has to start unraveling somewhere. There is a contradiction there, but it is necessary.

– Is the goal to bring wealth back home?

– I and we don't really think they've moved economically to the Norwegian state, Marhag says, and enters the logic that it's state-owned resource industries like oil, gas and hydropower that have built prosperity. In Norway.

– We still think they should stay here, she concludes before Kristjansson chimes in:

– Asker municipality does worse when leaving Røkke. They lose 150 million a year. This is serious for the municipality of Oskar. But for the Norwegian government, with all the money it has, Røkke's personal tax bill is so bad it's practically nothing.

– Then the answer is yes, but not at any cost. If the Norwegian government has to change a lot of things to attract people, it's not worth it until we have a strong and well-functioning business community.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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