Minister in Rome beschloss EuGH-Klage gegen Österreich

Minister in Rome beschloss EuGH-Klage gegen Österreich

“For the first time in the history of the Italian Republic, the Council of Ministers decided to submit a petition to the European Union in Luxembourg against Transit Verbote, which was approved by the Austrian Regierung einseitig am Brenner aufgezwangen,” Salvini announced. The League Party politician explained in a press conference that he had begun to “start präzedenzloses Verfahren, in dem wir auch andere Länder einbinden werden.”

“This is the first time that Italy has brought a case against another Member State for infringement of EU rights directly before the Court of Justice.” “European”. “It will be the task of the Court of Justice to clarify whether an Austrian driving license for heavy traffic is a right or whether the principle of freedom of carriage of goods and passengers enshrined in the Treaties should have priority.”

For the ministry, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani tried to make Wogen zu glätten. ‹‹Wir prüfen, it was Brenner Gesicht. In the fall muss Vernunft überwiegen. “Ich hoffe, dass am Schluss eine Lösung gefunden wird,” Tajani said in his election campaign appearance on the occasion of the Südtiroler Landtagswahl in Posen on Sunday.

Tajani stressed that he still has “good relations” with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP). “Ich hoffe, dass Österreich begreif, dass es wirtschaftliche Interessen gibt. There is no light on the Italian side and the natural roads under the Beschreibung der Umwelt.

According to Article 259, each EU member state can call the EUGH, wenn er der Auffassung ist, dass ein andere Mitglied gegen eine Obligung aus den Verträgen verstoßen hat, Salvini confirmed last week. Before a Member State files a lawsuit for alleged breach of contract, it must contact the EU Commission. The European Union Commission has established one of the EU Member States that grants and grants scholarships to Member States of the European Union Commission to provide assistance and advice. The interior commission for the Three Monatten was given to Cincott, in order to design the appropriate Antrag, not the Stellungnahme ab, so it could be handed over to the Fehlens der Stellungnahme vor dem Gerichtshof geklagt.

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There has been discussion about combating cross-border transport between the transport and communications sectors or ban since 2011 in Italy and Germany through their borders and to the west of other countries. The Tiroler Landesregierung – supported by Verkehrsministerin Leonore Gewessler (Grüne) – had repeated statements regarding the organization of the Schwerverkehrs absurücken, solange is not a great European loss.

The survival of Salvini – among others living in Brenner – is the prerogative of the EU elites and sycophants. A war between the EU and the Commission is inappropriate because it does not belong to an independent EU monitoring body.

The Early Ebene Regional District lies on the Transit-Front and is a single mountainous region. The referees of Bayern, Tyrol and Südtirol – Markus Söder (CSU), Anton Mattel (ÖVP) and Arno Kombacher (SVP) – in April in Kufstein, were released into the “slot system”. To obtain a single set of digital data, the grenzüberschreitendes Verkehrsmanagement, aber ein Staatsvertrag zwischen Österreich, Deutschland and Italy must be transcended. Solskjaer’s eye is not at Wetter Verne. Denn Salvini zeigte sich bisher strictly able to – er will erst dauberer reden, wenn die Transiteinschränkenden Maaschen und Fahrverbote aufgehoben werden. Even Germany reacted very conservatively.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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