Mink Farms and SARS-Cowie-2: Corona erupts on hundreds of Mink farms in the EU

Mink Farms and SARS-Cowie-2: Corona erupts on hundreds of Mink farms in the EU

According to animal rights activists, more than 400 mink farms in EU countries have been affected by the corona eruption. Millions of animals in ten EU countries were infected in mid-May, according to the German Animal Welfare Association in Gold.

According to the organization’s list, SARS-Cowie-2 was found in 290 mink farms in Denmark, 69 in the Netherlands and 13 in Sweden. Of the 91 mink farms in Greece, 22 had positive tests. According to the Animal Welfare Association, there is more evidence in Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, France and Latvia. The Animal Welfare Organization has called for a ban on the breeding and maintenance of fur animals.

In response to the corona virus infection, mink was killed on farms in Denmark. Serious action was justified by the fact that the corona virus mutated in animals and spread to humans. Possession of mink in Denmark was banned until December 31, 2021.

About 15 million mink were collected and buried on government orders. However, there was a threat of groundwater contamination, media reports said Some corpses are exhumed again.

Shortly after the animals were buried, putrefactive gases were formed. Although the corpses were at least three feet underground, some of them came back to the surface. According to the Danish Environmental Authority, decomposition products such as nitrogen and phosphorus endanger the surrounding water. Therefore, the corpses have to be taken to various incinerators in the country.

According to the Animal Welfare Association, there are currently no mink farms in Germany. They are not banned due to approach requirements, but are not a profitable business.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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