Missing mountaineer found dead – NRK Oslo & Vigen – Local News, Television & Radio

Missing mountaineer found dead – NRK Oslo & Vigen – Local News, Television & Radio

His 60-year-old man went missing Saturday night when he did not arrive at the agreed time and place. No one has heard anything from that person since Saturday morning.

On Saturday night, the weather in the mountains was very bad and the search operation ended at 0130 pm due to the security of the search team. The search resumed at 0830 on Sunday morning, and snowmobiles, eight rescue dogs and three helicopters were deployed to the police, Norwegian air ambulance and primary rescue center.

Police today also asked for help from mountaineers in the area in hopes of locating the man through Skuggelivegen and surrounding terrain.

Around 1540 on Sunday, the man was found dead by trekkers reported by the police.

Found in high mountains

– He was spotted in a tree line east of Kylo, ​​east of the Ustasset, in the highest mountain range in the mountains, says Austin Ikedalan, operational manager of the Southeastern Police.

Ikadalan says police and search teams have been cooperating with the Hole Municipality.

– We had good cooperation with the municipality. Among other things, a SIM alert was sent, meaning that everyone in the search area was on the lookout and receiving a text message asking them to stay alert, Eikedalen said.

Relatives were informed.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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