More dangerous than drugs – speech

More dangerous than drugs – speech

Young men do not drink themselves to death. They die by accident. poisoning accident. accidental. Wrong pill. Wrong drug. wrong dose. The wrong people, place and time.

Coercion solves none of this. on the contrary. Coercion increases the risk. Compulsory drug treatment is not a quick fix for getting off drugs, but a fast track to a life on the side of society.

Compulsory drug treatment Too small, and unfortunately used. It is kept in an organization for months, with constantly new employees and poorly established rules.

Compulsion meets challenge. Strong reluctance. Out of hatred for the system. Compulsive compulsions are ugly pictures in your head that you will never get rid of.

Forced to the bodies of teenagers in handcuffs under uniformed police. handcuffs. Coercion is state violence. Inhumane. It is a systematic interference with a young person’s freedom, right to security and to attend school.

Coercion is little or no contact with family and friends, making them suspicious. Urine samples, physical searches, and confiscation of phones. Abusive use of isolation.

Coercion is escapism From an institution to an unknown location. If you’re a boy, nobody cares to look. and HWho provides shelter and bed for a runaway 17-year-old? At any price?

This is what you must be thinking awake, after the child protection service has taken over the “care” and the young man has disappeared from the institution for several weeks.

Compulsory drug treatment is like a popular high school specializing in drug addiction.

All normal activities, such as school, summer work, or Grandma’s 70th birthday, are stripped away. Instead, there will be plenty of time to learn new and exciting ways to get high. Getting drugs is good. The youths are building a large drug network that is waiting outside for the day the compulsory condition is over.

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Lots of high again. DrNow it’s dangerous!

Few can endure coercion over time. This is why there are always new employees. New people at the dinner table, new rooms and beds. no stability.

Power posts on the most important branch a teen sits on: confidence. Trust that the adults are safe there over time. That the family tolerates and loves you. Even if we can’t get you off drugs, we’re there. fixed in chaos.

We are looking for you when you’re gone. Sit up till you drop home at night. He puts his ear to the bedroom door. Listen to the breathing, that it is free and regular, when the chaos in your head finally subsides.

Having a young man in the family who gets drunk the most is a challenge to say the least. The family is exhausted. Siblings, siblings, and pugs go for lye and cold water. The job is pending.

Doubt meets you: “It’s just your footing, right? Make the kid harden!”

It’s not missing On good advice. It’s getting worse. But believe me, life could be worse. It’s called forced placement in a drug institution. Coercion is Catch 22 of the Child Protection Act.

You won’t get out of it.

As a parent, you end up in a hostage situation. You are asking for more coercion, because you are afraid that your child will die. You were told that this is what is required.

Compulsory drug treatment is an expensive treatment and has no documented effect. Nobody really knows what it is like to be with children who are coerced by the state.

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We must solve the problem Drugs and young people, the laws that make them criminals must be removed. Most people drink in moderation. will pass. They grow up, and the frontal lobe matures. life goes on.

But some young people get sick from drug use, change their personality, become psychotic, and drop out of school, life, family and friends. Action must be taken here. Clean up the use of force, coercion, contracts and probation. Set treatment requirements.

What works? What is not working?

Drug treatment is not a policy. It’s medicine. Morally discontented young citizens and politicians cannot dictate treatment.

What is a good treatment? Part of the answer is good relationships with safe adults over a long period of time. The main drug users are those who don’t get paid at all:

He’s the boss like Expect to attend Saturday morning. The coach who asks you to be precise. The teacher who calls you when you don’t show up. And neighbors who don’t just give good advice, but help create a generous and kind environment, because they know there’s a really good person inside the jacket.

The opposite of referring the problem to a publicly paid addict.

I believed in coercion and child protection based on knowledge. It is my biggest betrayal as a mother. Do not press this button. Compulsory drug treatment is much more dangerous than drugs.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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