Most shares were short sold on the Oslo Stock Exchange

Most shares were short sold on the Oslo Stock Exchange

At the top of the Oslo Poor’s list of best-selling stocks reigns best Neal, Frontline And the Kahoot!, According to the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority short record.

Being a favorite among shorts is not an unknown phenomenon Nile. About a year ago, Neil also topped the list, and last year the market cap was down 26.8 percent. So far this year, the share is down 14.2 percent.

As of today, 6.3 percent of Neal’s outstanding shares are lent for short sale.

Analysts do not believe Neil’s pricing is correct. After Neil released the quarterly figures for the third quarter, the stake was slaughtered by several analysts. In order not to lose money, the turnover of the company should be 5 billion, warns Thomas Dowling Ness of Sparebank 1 Markets.

So Neil must earn more than 7 times the sales volume in 2021 to break even, according to Næss estimates.

It seems that good times in the treasury market and a strong rally in the stock price have attracted short positions to Frontline. So far this year, the stock is up 122 percent, and many short positions believe the stock has peaked.

As of today, Frontline is second on the list with a short 4.1 percent equity stake.

Despite the sharp rise in prices, many analysts believe Front Line is a good buy. DNB Markets singles out Frontline as a preferred stake in a period of high inflation, and Investtech believes Frontline is attractive based on technical analysis.

Kahut! So far this year has been a nightmare for shareholders and is down more than 50 percent this year. And short share of 3.2 percent of the shares and thus Kahut! 3rd place in the list of the most selling stocks in the stock exchange.

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This is Kahut! They are punished very harshly according to many analysts. Big Morgan Stanley Bank expects Kahut to return! He recently took up coverage on Kahoot! With a clear buy recommendation.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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