Nettavisen, Consumer Information | The price war on Christmas goods is in full swing: – People are hoarding

Nettavisen, Consumer Information |  The price war on Christmas goods is in full swing: – People are hoarding

The price war on Christmas goods is in full swing. Nettavisen can document that prices have decreased, in some cases significantly, on many items.

You can now buy pickle cups from discount chains Extra, Kiwi and Rema 1000 for just 3.90. This represents a price reduction of 85 percent compared to the announced pre-sale price.

in Nettavisen’s big price test which took place on November 22nd Several price cuts have already been made.

Price reductions

New random samples taken by Nettavisen on Wednesday morning between 07:47 and 08:18 show that new cuts have been made.

This is how prices have changed since we checked Nettavisen prices on November 22:

Cheapest Christmas sausages

  • 11/22: 24.30
  • 11/29: 22.20

Clementine overweight

  • 11/22: 39.90
  • 11/29: 19.90

Geisha rice porridge

All these prices are the same in the three chains.

Additionally, we found that the Little Marzipan Christmas Pig has dropped to 18.90. Gingerbread now costs about nine grains. This is half the price compared to last week.

See more prices below.

Take action against hoarding

Rema 1000 has now set a cap on the number of items each customer can purchase on many marked down items.

The $3.90 price per jar of pickles at Rema 1000 now indicates a maximum of three jars per customer. Same thing on gingerbread.

There’s also a limit to fresh, seasoned Prima prime rib. But here there is a maximum of ten per client. Most families will probably do well with this restriction.

– These are popular items that got a solid price cut and we want all our customers to take advantage of them. Therefore, we have set a limit on all trading on selected commodities, says Rema 1000 Buying and Category Manager, Line Aarnes.

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-Do you have ice in your stomach?

Although it was cut down a lot, the Rune “Gjerrigknarken” was not impressed. He runs He believes that the price war is going well at the moment.

– Not many price cuts impress me so far. It is clear that the reduction in clementine prices is significant, but the previous price is high. There are also many people who choose the cheap online version instead, Nicolaisen says.

Defeat for the Kiwi: – Bad loser

He believes prices will fall further, and thinks it would be wise to wait until the big Christmas shopping period is over.

-I see that the price of Christmas sausages has fallen by two crowns. This doesn’t impress me. Last year, it was produced around ten crores.

And this is absolutely true. When Nettavisen checked prices on December 2 last year The price of a Christmas sausage was 12.80.

Hoard 20 cans of porridge

Geisha rice porridge has received a huge discount from 24.30 to 17.90 across all three chains. It’s still far from what Gjerrigknarken would consider a good price.

– I remember a few years ago. Then it was one krone per parcel. Then I bought 20 bags of rice porridge.

December 2 of last year Porridge dropped at 16.30. But Gerejknarkin believes some goods are well priced.

The Christmas price war is underway: additional price cuts on more than 100 items

– Pickles at 3.90 are a good price. People stock up, because you can store this for years too. I think this is a good buy, and it can’t get much cheaper.

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The thin rib is also a good price now, says Gregknarkin.

– Now the cheapest ones cost about 50 DKK per kilo. I don’t think it will be much cheaper. But who knows? Maybe they will get rid of the price more. The pig warehouses are full.

Christmas merchandise prices now

The announced prices as of November 22 were the same for all three.

purpose Rima kiwi additional Prices 22 November
Christmas sausages are cheaper 400g 22.2 22.2 22.2 24.3
Clementine, bulk weight, per kilogram 19.9 19.9 19.9 39.9
Forland Rice Porridge 460g. 16.7 16.7 17.2
Geisha rice porridge 17.9 17.9 17.9 24.3
Sauerkraut is cheaper, 450 gr 9.2 9.2 9.2
Nora pickled cabbage, 450 grams. 12.2 12.2 12.2
Cheaper pickles 490 grams 3.9 3.9 3.9
Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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