New study: This is why you should sleep in the morning

New study: This is why you should sleep in the morning
New study: This is why you should sleep in the morning

Did you wake up three times this morning? There is no reason to be ashamed, on the contrary.

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Being rested and alert doesn’t involve dozing off again in the morning – we thought.

Insomnia is often associated with negative outcomes such as poor and less sleep.

But a new Swedish study from Stockholm University points to a little extra time in bed in the morning can Makes us relax more and think faster.

The study was carried out in two different parts. One part involved answering questions about their sleep and wakefulness routines; How often do they hibernate and why do they do it?

Of the 1,732 Swedes asked, 70 percent answered that they were too tired to wake up when the alarm clock went off. 17 percent snooze because they like the feeling.

The average hibernation time is 22 minutes, but some hibernate for minutes, others for several hours.

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Accommodation in the laboratory

The second part of the study consisted of physical tests carried out at Stockholm University’s sleep laboratory. 31 participants were invited to sleep in the lab so the researchers could monitor them.

One morning, participants were allowed to snooze every ten minutes, for a total of 30 minutes. They have to wake up at another morning alarm. As soon as they woke up, they had to do math tasks and other cognitive tests.

The experiment showed that when participants snoozed for the last half hour, they were slightly less sleepy than when they didn’t snooze. During hibernation they were more alert and had poorer sleep quality than before they fell asleep.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that sleep was not optimal during this half hour, most people slept for more than an additional 20 minutes. The researchers found no negative effects on mood, how tired they were or how much of the stress hormone cortisol was in their saliva.

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Surprising discoveries

And then to the most surprising discovery in cognitive tests; Naps performed better than non-naps.

According to Siri Wage, a senior consultant at the National Center for Sleep Medicine and a researcher at the University of Bergen, The hypnotized people woke up not from deep sleep, but from light sleep.

You’ll be less sleepy when you wake up, and you’ll perform better.

– In this study, none of the participants had deep sleep when they slept, while 30 percent had deep sleep when they didn’t. Waage tells the website that this may explain why researchers conclude that napping can have a positive effect on some people.

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However, she does not recommend sleeping.

– Many people think that using the snooze button is the most pleasant way to wake up, but we don’t recommend it. The reason, says Waage, is that drowsiness affects both sleep length and sleep quality.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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