News, Sports | This is how bicycle racing affects traffic

News, Sports |  This is how bicycle racing affects traffic

The Tour of Scandinavia is the world tour level (highest level) on the Scandinavian women’s cycling stage. The race is a further development of the Ladies Tour of Norway which started in Halden. There will be a total of 5 stages in 2023, 3 in Norway and 2 final stages in Denmark. The entire world elite has announced their arrival and the race can be followed on TV around the world on regular TV channels and digital platforms.

Halton Municipality writes this in a press release.

A number of streets in Halton will be closed on Wednesday 23 August when the first leg of the race finishes in Halton to accommodate the Folk Festival and the Scandinavia Cycling Race. The stage starts in Maison, while the cyclists climb up to Fredericton Castle and finish the stage with a local loop in the center of Halton. The target area, as before, is at Kongens Bridge in the centre, the press release said.

Closes from 07.00

There is a professional and youth race in Halton on Wednesday 23rd August which will affect traffic in and around Halton.

The first leg of the Tour of Scandinavia starts at 2.55pm in Maison and finishes at Kongens Bridge in Halton at around 6.10pm. Cyclists arrive at Halton RV204 (Marcus Thrane’s Gate) and finish with the following circuit:

Ole Dahls Gate – Fridtjof Nansens Gate – Walkers Gate – Tomtegata – Jernbanebrygga – Jernbanegata – Tollbugata – Kongens Brygge, Destination – Olav Vs Gate – Adelgata – Festningsgata – Hovsveien – General – Oddebaktaveien – Eldebaktaveien – Eldebaktaveien – Ken – Walkers Gate – Rødbergs plass – Repslagergata – Oscars gate – Kristian Augusts gate – Rødsveien – Major Forbes gate – Wærns gate.

  • The finish area at Kongens Brygge is closed 07:00-21:00
  • During the final round, the roads here will be completely closed at 16:30-18:30
  • Halton Tork is closed to parking and entry from Friday 18 August until the end of the cycle race.
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A youth race before the main race

Before the tour of Scandinavia, a cycling race for girls will also be organized – a youth race with participants from all over the Nordics called the “Nordic Youth Challenge”.

The race has its start and finish at the same place as the “Tour of Scandinavia” finish line. The route is organized as a street race with a lap of 978 meters and uses the following roads: Olav Vs Gate, Ohms Plas, Kirkegata, Blokusgata, Jernpanegata, Tolbugatta.

  • Start at 16:00 and finish approx. At 16:50. Start/finish at Kongens Brygge.
  • All surrounding roads will be fully closed from 15:30 to 17:00

Closed roads

Bicycle races such as the Tour of Scandinavia require road closures when the bicycle cortege arrives. Signs and barriers have been put up to mark this. Follow the instructions!

The event and programs are approved by the Norwegian Road Administration, and security is led by the police. Halton Municipality is in close dialogue with the organizer regarding traffic management, the press release said.

Tista Centre

The final round ends at 16:30, but the organizer has given permission to run from the Tista Center until the police closes all traffic for security reasons. We assume that this will be approx. At 17:15, but the police determine the location. After that, the road will be closed until the end of the cycle race, approx. At 18:30. After 4:30pm you cannot drive into the DISTA Center where the route operates.

Together with the police, Scandinavia Tour has installed 2 locks from the car park of the Tista Centre:

  1. From the car park to Fridtjof Nansens Gate (“Stadienbakken”) to Marcus Thrans Gate (RV 204).
  2. From the car park to Bachpangen, Oskar Gate, Dordenskjoldsgate, Violkata, Vognmacherkata/FV220.
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Public transport

This kind of cycle race also affects bus departures in our district, so you should be prepared for a changed route and/or delays at some points. Check Østfold Public Transport’s website for updates on this year’s tour of Scandinavia:

Follow Østfold Public Transport’s website here.

There is a lot of good information on the organizer’s website for those who need more details and want to plan their driving ahead of the event.

Here are two useful shortcuts:

Information about the first stage with map.

Traffic information on all roads

Worth noting

  • Affected roads will be closed to cyclists for safety reasons.
  • Traffic can continue until a car with a red flag arrives.
  • Closed roads are marked with signs: Entry prohibited by decision of the Norwegian Road Administration. This is for safety reasons for residents, cyclists and other traffic.
  • Emergency services may pass through and receive assistance from the organizer’s management.
  • A number of information boards – in front of the stage – will be placed on the roads in high traffic areas explaining when these roads will be closed due to the bicycle race.

The police, the municipality and the organizer apologize for the inconvenience caused by the closure and ask for your understanding that measures are being taken to maintain safety.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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