News, we | Noah fights against murder: – It is absurd to punish the beast

News, we |  Noah fights against murder: – It is absurd to punish the beast

– We see that Norway’s environmental agency believes euthanasia is “the only fair option.” We do not see any basis for saying so. There are many places in other countries that specialize in the care and rehabilitation of exotic animals from illegal private property, says Siri Martinsen, BA, manager and veterinarian for the animal rights organization NOAH.

Last week, several sightings were made of a large cat walking down Sørstrøno, a street in Bjørnafjorden municipality. The cat later turned into a rooster.

The African Savannah cat is illegal to own privately in Norway, and many are now wondering what will happen to the cat.

The Environment Agency of Norway has been contacted in this regard. Press contact Doc Stian Husby confirmed to BA that they reported the relationship on Thursday.

Superintendent of Police Sissel Becker tells BA at 1350.

At the same time, the directorate disclosed that there was no other option but euthanasia on Wednesday.

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– It is absurd to punish an animal

– The keeping of exotic animals as pets should be prohibited for reasons of animal welfare and species protection. Those who illegally keep animals in this condition should be punished. But it is absurd to punish an animal by killing it. Authorities cannot continue to deal with such cases at the expense of animals, says Martinsen at NOAH.

After that, many people are involved in the case to save Nino. This was mentioned in the local newspaper The middle side was the first to discuss the Sevakar issue as well.

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When PA spoke to Nils Kristian Krovik, a senior adviser at Norway’s Environment Agency, on Wednesday, he said Norway’s Environment Agency had discussed various options for what to do with the server.

– Personal possession is not appropriate as it is prohibited and is not good animal welfare. Repatriation to the country of origin in Africa is also not an option because it most likely won’t survive, and because we don’t know where the animal came from in Africa, Cronwick said, before concluding that he saw no other alternative. Euthanasia.

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Norwegian Environment Agency: – Sees no other alternative than euthanasia

Who will pay?

Martinsen disagrees that the rooster cannot be released back into the wild, and believes that zoos can be an alternative.

– NOAH observed that Norway’s environmental agency says that “it is not appropriate to return to the country in Africa because it will most likely not survive.” Such a statement does not take into account that rehabilitation of wild animals takes place in many countries and that there are many shelters to rehabilitate exotic animals.

– But who will pay for this?

– Transporting an animal to a rehabilitation center costs a bit, but there are many solutions. The authorities should not have to pay so much. “It’s a big commitment, so if it needs funding, we know it’s possible to fix it,” Martinsen says, adding.

– If a zoo in Norway accepts the animal it can also be a temporary solution. It is a paradox that exotic animals are allowed in zoos for entertainment, while illegally imported animals are often killed.

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Zoo: – Not applicable

Helene Axelsen, a biologist at the zoo in Kristiansand, insists that the zoo has not received any inquiries from the Norwegian Environment Agency or the Norwegian Food Safety Authority regarding Serval. At the same time, he says, it is not possible to take the raccoon inside the zoo.

– Taking this server to Tyrparken would not be very appropriate. We give priority to the care of endangered animals which are part of the conservation program in zoos. We have no pre-existing servers and no plans to start with races.

Axelson said the zoo does take in animal species that are illegal for personal ownership, but that mostly includes birds and reptiles.

I have discussed this with the Norwegian Environment Agency

Martinsson says NOAH has been in contact with the Norwegian Environment Agency about the situation, and they have presented various alternatives to the Norwegian Directorate.

– The feedback is that they too see this as an ethical dilemma. I would be careful to quote them, but we understand that they would like other solutions and that they don’t think this is a lucky situation, says Martinsen.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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