Nikki Haley, Israel | Nikki Haley grenades occurred in northern Israel

Nikki Haley, Israel |  Nikki Haley grenades occurred in northern Israel

Israeli MP Danny Danon took the photo and posted it on X/Twitter. He was present when Haley visited the Israeli border areas with Lebanon this week.

– “Finish them” – this is what my friend, former Ambassador Haley, wrote and read the message.

In the photo, Halle is seen sitting cross-legged while writing the slogan on a grenade with a pink marker.

Haley attempted to challenge Donald Trump as the Republican Party's presidential nominee, but was forced to give up due to a lack of support. She was previously the US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump.

American made ammunition

Images from the Khiam camp in Rafah that Israeli forces attacked on Sunday show clear fragments of US-made munitions, according to CNN.

News channel Several analysts have reviewed verified videos from the camp. Among other things, a tail clearly from a GBU-39 bomb was found, according to four experts in the area.

An Israeli airstrike ignited a fire that killed 45 people in a displacement camp in Rafah on Sunday, according to Palestinian health officials. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself described the attack as a tragic mistake.

Saudi Arabia accuses Israel of committing what it calls genocidal massacres in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

A statement by the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Israeli occupation forces continue to commit massacres against the Palestinian people without delay by “continuing to attack the tents of defenseless Palestinian refugees in Rafah.”

– He holds Israel fully responsible

– Saudi Arabia holds Israel fully responsible for what is happening in Rafah and everywhere in the occupied Palestinian territories.

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It also condemns what they consider to be “continuous and flagrant violations of humanitarian decisions, laws and norms.”

This statement comes after the Israeli air strike on Sunday. Since then, there have been reports of more than 20 people killed in a new attack on camps in the area. The attacks led to many Palestinians fleeing the area.

Algeria supports the draft resolution

Algeria will propose a draft resolution in the UN Security Council to “stop the killings in Rafah,” according to a statement by Ambassador Ammar Ben Jama, who spoke to the press after a closed meeting.

Algeria will send this afternoon a draft resolution regarding Rafah. The ambassador said last night, Norwegian time, that it would be a short and decisive text to stop the killings in Rafah.

– Israel is in the process of losing arguments

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide says Israel used anti-Semitism as a kind of protection against all criticism, but he believes that argument is much less effective now.

– Israel's exceptionalism is about to disappear, and I must say this after the meetings I held with European Union leaders in Brussels in recent days. This indicates that there is a rapid movement away from the fact that it is useful to say “anti-Semitism,” if we say that you should stop killing children,” Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (AP) told the Politsk kvarter newspaper on Wednesday.

He says that Israel is about to lose the strength of the argument and that what is about to happen is that Israel will be seen as a normal state deserving of the same criticism and perhaps respect as other countries.

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– The vast majority of people realize that staying away from children who are being burned and turned into charred corpses in Rafah is not an expression of anti-Semitism. It is a criticism that can be directed at any country, the Foreign Minister told the newspaper Politisk Kvarter on Wednesday.


Eddie describes the Israeli attacks in Rafah as catastrophic and completely unacceptable.

What is more dangerous is that what we have seen in recent days contradicts what the International Court ordered Israel to do, which is to stop all operations in Rafah that endanger the lives of civilians.

The Foreign Minister said that this means that Israel is now in a strong confrontation with the international community, also in a purely legal sense.

The red line was crossed a long time ago, Eddie says.

The Security Council met on Tuesday in a crisis meeting and will discuss in the next few days how to respond to the Israeli attacks in Rafah.

Excited about what the United States is doing

Eddy says there is no doubt that there is a majority that supports Algeria's proposal to stop attacks, but he is not sure whether the United States will veto it.

– It will be important and interesting to see what the United States will do.

– It is also worth noting that countries that were very friendly to Israel in the past, such as Italy, France and Canada, said that there must now be an immediate cessation of hostilities, so Israel and the United States are increasingly isolated here, says Al-Mamloukh.

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Algeria is one of the 15 countries that are now members of the Council. The five permanent members with veto power are the United States, China, Great Britain, France, and Russia.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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