– We make a little mistake on the business side. The Corona crisis seems to be over, says Anne Habeth Rick, chair of the Conservative group in Oslo.
He is commenting on the Red-Green City Council budget for Oslo presented on Wednesday.
– Long upwards
There, the Conservatives paid little attention to what they believed was more than a positive reference to the situation in the budget.
Compared to 2020, the catering industry figures for the summer of this year show a growth of almost 50 percent. Museums and attractions can show growth of more than 20 percent. Accommodation companies have an occupancy rate of almost 50 percent. 95 per cent of all hotels are operational, indicating a 30 per cent better occupation than last year, ”the budget said.
However, the city council now adheres to the fact that “there is great uncertainty associated with the growth of the tourism sector in the future” and insists that a sharp drop in the number of guest nights in 2020 will have major consequences. In the long run, and the industry needs restructuring. “
The right is not yet impressed.
They write about the most positive growth since 2020, but you expect it to rise when compared to a year when everything is closed. Everything else has to be done well, Rick says.

Thunder: – Too long to wait
He pointed out that players in the tourism industry say they enjoy being told they are still in the most demanding situation.
– Many bring with them the expenses they have pushed. Then there are some bills they have to pay when they start earning.
– There are many to look upwards in a very long time.
Not satisfied
In the budget, the city council states that local and national compensation schemes will be in place from 2022. The Oslo municipality has allocated $ 170 million for the 2021 local compensation program.
This is in addition to the fact that they received $ 138 million from the state program for municipalities, which was particularly severely affected.
“By 2022, the city council has set aside $ 15 million to target Oslo as a permanent location,” the city council wrote.
Not enough, conservatives think.
– We are talking about last year’s figures, it is good to have its effect this year as well. But the budget for 2022 should include measures for 2022, Rick says.

Criticizes Erna: – Very complicated
– Disappointment
However, the Labor Party was not impressed by the criticism of the Conservatives. Business Councilor Victoria Mary Evanson (Labor) says the crisis is far from over, but believes the Conservatives at the government level should take on the main responsibility.
The business community in Oslo claims that it is VAT, and that the default interest on state taxes and fees is very high. Therefore, the government has put an end to compensation schemes and it is strange for the business community to charge late interest on deferred taxes, and it is disappointing to me that the Oslo Conservatives have not had an impact on their own government. This matter, Evanson told Parsons.
– The government, which sits on big money, should have a plan now, even when the community reopens.

Fear of Kick Bill: – Terribly loud
As Parson wrote earlier this week, the total tax bill now includes Norwegian companies Advanced, NOK 4.59 billion. The bill can be paid in more than twelve installments and must be paid by October 31st according to the first invoice. It is a short week for municipal fees to fall in Oslo.
Many were annoyed that the interest rate was 8 per cent, but so far they have not given signals that it will be reduced, on the contrary, they have rejected it.
Free Cadley
The Oslo Conservatives hope the city council can do more.
One can always point out that many can do a lot, but to start operations as a municipality we need to see what we can do, Rick says.
In particular, conservatives propose the following:
- Postpone the bill on municipal taxes (including property tax) due October 25 without penalty interest.
- Provide free street rental plans for meals, but also for other businesses on the streets / squares / squares (e.g. shops).
- Accelerate the allocation of liquor licenses and expedite the processing of complaints in liquor cases so that the municipality does not become an obstacle to good sales.
- Help them get cooking and training in their careers
- The municipal event office should become the city center office, which integrates activities between the municipality, farm owners, businesses and the cultural sector. We want life and movement at the center.
– I think the tough news is that the city council is removing many of the measures too quickly, says Rick, among others, pointing out that the free rental plan has not been extended.
good news
Read the City Council message.
Evanson says it will come back to the city council in 2022, if necessary, with measures such as reducing free street land and sales tax.
He also points out that in the new alcohol policy action plan they are in favor of providing automatic renewal for all licenses beyond the grant period, i.e. until September 2024.
On Friday, the city council may be pleased that national and local corona activities will be removed from Saturday.
– Then I hope the coronary restrictions will be lifted from Saturday 16.00 which will give new impetus and momentum to large areas of our business community and more and more people will take advantage of the city nightlife, cultural life and other perks. It’s time to dump her and move on.
“Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru.”