Norwegian Economy | This is what newspapers write about the Norwegian economy on Wednesday, March 9th

Norwegian Economy |  This is what newspapers write about the Norwegian economy on Wednesday, March 9th

Norway’s oil revenues could increase sixfold (Today’s Business)
The government expects NOK 277 billion in revenue from petroleum operations this year, but they will be six times higher – NOK 1,750 billion, writes Dagens Naringeslive. The reasons are the rise in gas prices in Europe and the rise in oil prices as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. – When you look at the numbers it’s like you never thought it’s true, says expert DN. read more

Predict free electricity in northern Norway (NRK)
Northern Norway Electrician: – It is likely to drop to five re by July. With low power consumption and a lot of water and a lot of air in the reservoirs, the price can be negative. read more

Oil prices are still above $ 130: – This week’s highs are the price range in the short term (Finansavisen)
Brent oil is over $ 130 a barrel. The head of analysis believes that the peaks so far this week are the price range in the short term. read more

Revenge for many Asian stock markets, but the decline in China continues (Finansavisen)
Many leading Asian indices are recovering after several days of decline, but the stock market in China continues to fall. read more

US stock market crash – commodity prices continue to rise (NTB)
The U.S. stock market plunged on Tuesday, following President Joe Biden’s ban on Russian oil and gas imports. read more

Oslo Force Plus closed in – green stock strong rise (NTB)
The key index on the Oslo Stock Exchange rose 0.20 percent on Tuesday to close at 1,183.51 points. Many European stock markets have been positive for a long time, but ended in the negative. read more

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Unprecedented high petrol and diesel prices – more than NOK 24 per liter (NRK)
So far the price of diesel and petrol in Norway has never been 24 kroner per liter. On Tuesday, it did, and the reason is related to the war in Ukraine. read more

The customer had to remove the fixed price of electricity after the emergency (E24)
Before the electricity company removed it, nearly 1,000 customers were able to withdraw the fixed price offer to Ren Roros. – It started last night, says the boss. read more

Wage Solution: Prepare for a fierce battle for the crowns (Today’s Business)
Higher electricity prices, more expensive food and the war in Ukraine are directly affecting this year’s wage settlement. – We all notice rising prices, says kitchen employee Doreen Donesen. read more

Stock experts think it’s time to buy (Finansavisen)
The American professor calls companies “cash machines” and thinks this is the right time to buy. read more

Of course the central bank raises (Finansavisen)
On Tuesday, President Joe Biden announced the lifting of the US embargo on Russian oil. This will affect US consumers, but the central bank will not avoid raising interest rates early next week, says Frank Zullam, chief economist at Donskey Bank. read more

The United States believes Nord Stream 2 is “dead.” (NTB)
The U.S. government refers to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany as “a large piece of metal at the bottom of the ocean.” read more

Biden confirms US ban on Russia’s oil imports (NTB)
US President Joe Biden has decided to ban oil and gas imports from Russia. read more

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Putin controls exports of various goods and raw materials (Today’s Business)
According to Bloomberg, Vladimir Putin has decided to restrict exports of more goods and raw materials. The ban is said to last until the end of this year. read more

The UK will gradually phase out Russia’s oil imports this year (NTB)
By the end of this year, the UK will no longer import oil or oil products from Russia, the country’s energy minister has said. read more

Completely predict astronomical prices: – You should warn consumers, says Russian Minister (Online newspaper)
Russia has warned that oil prices could skyrocket if Europe and the United States impose sanctions on Russia. read more

Germany begs OPEC to increase oil production (NTB)
Germany urges OPEC countries to increase oil production as oil prices rise due to Ukraine war. read more

Coca-Cola ceases operations in Russia (NTB)
Beverage maker Coca-Cola is set to suspend operations in Russia for the time being. PepsiCo ceases to market and market its products in the country. read more

McDonald’s closes 850 restaurants in Russia (NTB)
The US fast food chain McDonald’s says it is currently closing all 850 restaurants in Russia in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine. read more

Fitch downgrades Russia’s credit rating (NTB)
Credit research firm Fitch downgrades Russia’s credit rating from B to C. read more

Large companies oppose barriers – threatened by neglect and breach (Today’s Business)
Asian companies do not want to leave the Russian market after the invasion of Ukraine. Yale University uses the space stick with the “name and shame” method. read more

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Storebrand approaches KLP after a test: – We are experiencing strong counter forces (Today’s Business)
The Norwegian Competition Authority’s message before the KLP raid was “It’s time to wake up”. Storebrand believes the biggest player in the professional pension market has tried to crush their comeback. read more

If petrol prices rise sharply, air tickets will lead to higher prices by the end of the month (NRK)
The price of aviation fuel has risen 33 percent in a week. This is especially inappropriate for airlines trying to get up after Corona. read more

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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