Norwegian Politics and Politics | This is what the newspapers wrote about politics on Friday, May 26th

Norwegian Politics and Politics |  This is what the newspapers wrote about politics on Friday, May 26th

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The government drops the bounty dispute with Norwegian (DN)
Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre (AP) insisted that the Norwegian should pay back bonuses awarded during the pandemic, and other politicians wanted to sue. Now put the issue aside for good. Read more

The government canceled the SV in the Salmon settlement: – Harm the relationship of cooperation (DN)
The salmon tax finally won a majority in Parliament. Now Tory and SV are both promising rematches. Read more

I became a joker for the salmon tax (inner fish)
By a narrow majority, an agreement was reached on the salmon tax. Patient focus, one vote ensured that. Read more

The government rejects new negotiations on the salmon tax (NTB)
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store (AP) refuses for the government to renegotiate the salmon tax. Read more

The Conservative Party fears the influence of SV: – Miserable operation, says SV (NTB)
There is an agreement in the Norwegian Parliament to reduce the salmon tax from 35 to 25 percent. SV disagrees with the majority and calls it a miserable process. Read more

Fellesforbundet believes SV has unreasonable demands for the salmon tax (class struggle)
Fellesforbund leader Jørn Eggum believes that the Socialist Left Party (SV) has an unreasonable demand for a salmon tax. – SV had an absolutely unreasonable demand to quit at 48 per cent. This will result in a very high tax burden for employees and many businesses. SV has played its entire role on the sidelines on a matter of a very important industry, he tells the paper. SV does not recognize Eggum’s criticism. Read more

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Accord Races: – Very disappointing left (finansavicin)
With Venstre and Patient Focus, the ruling parties were able to secure a majority for the salmon tax by the smallest possible margin. – This is a dark and sad day, says Robert Erickson of the seafood companies. Read more

LO satisfied with salmon industry tax settlement (NTB)
LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik said she was satisfied the government had secured the majority for the salmon industry’s basic rental tax. – For several decades, the farming industry has reaped significant profits from society’s resources. So it’s right and sensible that some of that surplus benefits communities and communities, says the LO leader. Read more

Salmon coup (Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Community Editor, E24)
The ruling parties get the majority in return for a controversial tax – and drive a wedge on the bourgeois side. For the ruling parties, the agreement is a feather in their cap. They get the majority for a controversial and debated tax. Most importantly: there will be a majority above the middle line. With Venstre, the ruling parties got a bourgeois party on the team and they split a majority that has ambitions to win the general election in 2025. Read more

The positive contention is that CP and FRP are not involved (H24)
The salmon analyst sees room for a lower tax in the future, because the largest bourgeois parties do not participate in the new salmon tax. Read more

– It’s a severe defeat for the government (finansavicin)
On Thursday, the government agreed with the Liberals and Patients on the structure of the salmon tax, and that it would be reduced from the previous proposal of 35 percent to 25 percent. With a corporate tax of 22 percent, it will then be 47 percent, Trygve Hejnar confirmed on Okonominaten on Thursday. Hegnar thinks it is a heavy defeat for the government, in addition, SV is not satisfied and is waiting for a vote in parliament. Read more

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It opens the door to lower taxes (finansavicin)
With a marginal majority, the ruling parties managed to secure an agreement on the salmon tax. Kepler-Chevro analyst Christian Nordby believes the door is now open to lower taxes. Read more

Better tax on salmon, but not as good (Director, D.N.)
The salmon tax was better than feared, and it was not Høyre’s profit. Read more

Ulltveit-Moe on tax settlement: – Principle established (H24)
Economics professor Karen-Helene Oltvet-Mo is satisfied with the current settlement, despite the notable reduction in the tax rate. She believes the most important thing is that the principle is firm. Read more

– The government does not understand the sensitive information of the stock exchange (finansavicin)
– It’s absolutely incredible that they don’t release the news outside of the stock exchange’s opening hours, says director Jan-Peter Cessner about the government’s communication about the salmon tax. Read more

He responds with a new report: Banning Pfister will lead to higher food prices (H24)
The Norgesgruppen-funded report concludes: The government’s proposal to regulate purchasing prices will immediately lead to higher food prices – and possibly also in the long term. Read more

What do Emily Inger Mehl’s cat in the United Nations building have in common with Jan Buehler’s muscular posture? (Eva Grind, DN)
The style of the Minister of Justice on TikTok sometimes seems vulgar, pretentious, and apolitical. What are you trying to achieve? Read more

Conscription creates unpredictability for an unnecessarily long period (Mary Rigge, Professor of Social Economics, University of Stavanger Business School) (DN)
In organizing the initial hearing and service, it may appear as if the defense forgot to take into account the young man’s plans for life. It can cost society dearly. Read more

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Headwinds from all sides (Kjell Werner, Dagsavisin)
Renewable energy development is at a standstill. It seems that reasonable and sufficient electricity is still a long way off. Read more

Jump, jump, jump in prices (Director Trygve Hegnar, Finansavisen)
The red-green government is in bad shape ahead of the autumn municipal elections, and is unlikely to improve as food prices rise. The best thing would be if tariff protections were completely removed and the new chains could prove themselves to compete with NorgesGruppen, Rema 1000 and Coop. However, it won’t work that way. Orkla, one of the biggest suppliers, makes money like grass, and doesn’t want more competition from outside. Read more


Also read: This is what the newspapers wrote about the economy on Thursday, May 25th

Also read: This is what the newspapers wrote about the stock exchange on Thursday, May 25th

You can find previous versions here (Policy), here (economy) f here (Stock market)

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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