Norwegian talent news | Viewers’ reaction to the “Norske Talenter” jury: This is the channel’s response

Norwegian talent news |  Viewers’ reaction to the “Norske Talenter” jury: This is the channel’s response

(electronic newspaper): After nearly four years of waiting, great expectations have been pinned on him The return of the famous TV show The program “Norske Talenter” is now broadcast on TVNorge instead of TV 2.

This year’s judging panel consists of Stian Bleeb (33), Denis Storhoy (62), Celia Nimoen (45) and Abdul Hakim “Hakim” Hassan (25), and the gang of four have the power to send either of them home, furthest or Straight to the semi-finals by pressing the golden button – which the judges can only use once each.

In addition, all judges have their own red button which causes a red X to appear, thus indicating that they do not want the advantage on stage and so on. In previous seasons, the red button has been used frequently, but in this year’s season, on the other hand, the four judges seem to be somewhat more reserved.

So far in the season, there have been several episodes where the red button has never been used, causing TV viewers to react.

-I think you’ll have a problem

Since the premiere earlier this month, many people have taken to social media to voice their opinions about the judges not using the red button yet.

Among other things on “Norwegian talent” Their Facebook pages.

“Is everyone going to move this year? I think you’re going to have a problem eventually.”Someone writes in the comment field.

“They are notreads another comment.

In addition to the above, there are also many who believe it is important for “everyone” to continue, and at the same time more professional and independent feedback from this year’s judges is needed.

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“McCan, everyone is moving forward, this is so stupid.”“, writes another.

Also on video sharing service TikTok, many people are expressing frustration about which contributions go ahead and which don’t, with some also wondering why the X button isn’t being used more.

This is what the channel says

In the first rounds of the talent competition, there are no restrictions on the number of participants who can apply.

This is what the programming director of TVNorge and Warner Bros. explains. Discovery, Magnus Faten, vs. Netavisyn. At the same time, he points out that there are many factors that come into play when judges have to decide whether participants will continue or not.

– We’re currently in the preliminary rounds of “Norwegian Talents” on TVNorge, and we have a brand new jury that’s easy to get excited about. The judges judge based on talent, but also on the brilliance and energy of the stage, he emphasizes in an email.

At the same time, he adds that the judges do not receive any direction from the production, and that they decide for themselves and follow their gut feeling. Then they can send as many as they want.

However, the program director can confirm that the referees’ job will be much more difficult later in the season.

– It is true that many continue in the preliminary rounds, but in selecting the referees that come later, the referees’ task becomes more difficult. Then there is a set number of shows that can go on, and then there will be more people who have to get a ‘no’ from the judges.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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