Now Valerie (58) has no place to sleep

Now Valerie (58) has no place to sleep

– Today I am sad, frustrated, and anxious, says Christine Moskvil Thorsen at Church City Mission.

Valerie Jalar (58) will have to sleep outside if there is no new offer for emergency shelter.
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You may have seen him.

Every day for ten hours, Valerie Jalar stands outside the gallery of the shopping center in the center of Bergen with a cup in her hand.

In rain, snow and sunlight.

For years, he and many poor visitors have been given a warm bed to sleep in the Church Mission City emergency room. For that they paid 15 kroner a night.

This offer is currently closed at Hollendergaten. Tonight is the last night that poor visitors can sleep there.

– I’m worried about my medication. Valerie asks where I should keep them and if I should sleep outside.

Valerie Jalar, 58, suffered a heart attack after missing a leg. He should take 14 tablets every day.

A roof over your head

On Wednesday, May 31, the lease of the Church City Mission with the Norwegian YWCA-YMCA expired.

They themselves will use the campus for the work of the youth.

Over the years, efforts have been made to find a new suitable location, says department head Christine Moskvil Thorsen.

– Today I am sad, frustrated and anxious. I worry about these people I have known for years, says Thorsen.

When BT comes to visit Tuesday night, the mood is marked by frustration.

Suggestions are mentioned for everything from vacant buildings to boats.

– Until there is a roof over our heads tomorrow. Anything so we are not wet. At least we get it. Illian Phillip says he hopes the police will show understanding.

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Aral Eptimi, Milica Cipica, Illian Philippe, Ivy Meltas and Christine Maskville Thorsen are out of the emergency room in Hollandergaden.

Not more than that

The offer at Hollendergaten is targeted at poor visitors from the EEA.

Most are from Romania, but also from other EEA countries.

– Where am I going to sleep tomorrow? I know nothing. There may be a parking garage, says Aral Eptimi.

Kristine Moskvil Thorsen says they are still trying to find a solution.

– We do everything we can to address these people. He says it would be incredibly sad if it was not resolved in some way.

He says no solution has been reached and talks are underway with the municipality.

Read on

Romans in Bergen: – If it closes here, we will have to sleep on the street


Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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