Now we have to be extra vigilant in traffic

Now we have to be extra vigilant in traffic

In the last two months, we have lost 13 motorcyclists on Norwegian roads. In May, 60 percent of fatal crashes were caused by motorcycles, and in June, more than 50 percent of traffic fatalities were motorcyclists.

Often a fatal accident becomes a number in a statistic. But behind each number a human life was taken – suddenly, unexpectedly, senselessly. It is not only an irreplaceable life, but one that has been lost in the mysteries of many.

The spring and summer months are high season for motorcyclists on Norwegian roads. Unfortunately, this is the high season for serious accidents.

This year has been alarming to see all the accidents on our roads and we are particularly concerned about the trend of accidents involving motorcyclists. While other groups of road users have seen a decline in accidents over time, the same is unfortunately not the case for motorcyclists.

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A clearly increasing proportion of those killed and seriously injured in traffic accidents in Norway are motorcyclists. In the first half of the 1990s, this ratio was 5 to 10 percent, while in recent years it has remained stable at more than 20 percent.

Motorcyclists are the most visible and vulnerable group of road users, so accidents often have very serious consequences.

For many, motorcycles are associated with vacations and freedom. It should still be. But it is important to think about capabilities and speed. Skills should go up, speed should go down.

Missing someone at the lunch table, empty office nearby, or missing someone at the desk in the back of the classroom is painful.

The driving skills required to ride a motorcycle are highly specialized and highly innovative. Unfortunately, a lack of driving skills – skill and knowledge – often causes or contributes to motorcyclists being killed or injured.

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For a long time, Norway has been at the forefront of increasing motorcycle safety, and our driver training is considered one of the best internationally. However, the user group is now increasingly less uniform, and the transport picture and motorbikes have changed. Many of the MC drivers have old driving training and may not have ridden an MC for many years or have ridden very little. This presents obvious challenges when they return to traffic in such a demanding vehicle.

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Upgrading of skills is more important, and not just replenishing new knowledge and core competencies. There are many different types of such courses and we encourage you to take advantage of them as they provide knowledge and skills that are directly transferable to normal road traffic.

We must do what we can for safer roads. Among other things, we will spend NOK ten billion in 2024 on the operation and maintenance of national roads. In the National Road Safety Action Plan 2022 – 2025, we have made motorcycles and mopeds a separate focus area with 14 specific follow-up measures. .

So far this year, 51 people have died on Norwegian roads. 13 of them are motorcyclists.

These are not just statistics, but people torn from family, friends, co-workers and entire local communities. There are many who are left in endless grief, whom we do not see in the statistics.

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Missing someone at the lunch table, empty office nearby, or missing someone at the desk in the back of the classroom is painful.

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Heading out for a drive this summer? Pay attention, take your time and pay attention to other road users on two and four wheels. We have no one to lose.

(Voices is ABC Nyheter's discussion section where regular and occasional contributors write about news-related topics. We also have a partnership with Politik online newspaper. . If you are burning with a comment or analysis, you can send the text to [email protected] and we will consider it).

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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