Nygard: – We should not promise things that we cannot deliver

Nygard: – We should not promise things that we cannot deliver

name: Emond Nygaard
a result: CEO of Lees

– What is the biggest challenge in the industry now?
– On the general level there is reputation. There’s a lot that’s happened in the energy market, and the way we’ve approached development and the sale of energy, that hasn’t been very good. This is not only the fault of the industry, but the reputation of the energy market and the energy industry has been damaged.

– Why is this a problem?
– In the long term, we need legitimacy and trust. It is important to implement the green transition. This cannot happen without a “licence to operate”.

-Who or what is the biggest obstacle to solving this?
– I think we should make sure that we cooperate better with the authorities and with customers, and we should not promise things that we cannot deliver, or try to deceive someone by not telling the whole truth. We must accept self-criticism when we deserve it.

-We must communicate in an honest way. Also about what doesn’t work. For example, it is not good to have large price differences in Norway. Even if we technically explain why things are the way they are, we must acknowledge the problem and help show possible solutions.

What about the fact that it is possible to reach climate targets, should we keep saying that?
– no. We will manage the green transition, but we will not reach the targets set by 2030. They are impossible to achieve, so we had better be honest about what we can and cannot do about it. We can stop blaming each other so much and deal with what we can do something about.

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-What is most talked about in the industry? What are we so busy doing?
– Develop a new power. Yes, we must build new energy, but it is difficult because there is resistance to what is profitable, which is wind energy. I think the authorities have understood this, but we have to talk about how to use the resources we have in terms of strength and energy in a better way. Upgrading hydropower, energy efficiency, district heating, surplus energy etc. We also need to make better use of the network we have. We need to do more and talk less.

– What would you do if you were Minister of Energy for one day tomorrow?
– Because one day you won’t be able to do much. I have met many beautiful people. I didn’t get anything done for a week or a month either. There are no quick fixes in this business.

– What is the most important thing the government can do during the next three months to accelerate the development of renewable energy?
– If you want to accelerate the development of new energy, the closest approach is onshore wind energy. I believe that a solution to the conflict in Vossen can do a lot. I will prioritize this for the sake of progress in onshore wind.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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