Ole Baus, Funeral | Ole Paus does not receive a funeral at state expense

Ole Baus, Funeral |  Ole Paus does not receive a funeral at state expense

– There are very few people buried at state expense, says Anne-Christine Hughes, communications director at the Prime Minister’s Office, in an email to Nettavisen on Friday.

Furthermore, Hughes adds, funerals are held at state expense for people who have made an outstanding and completely special effort for the Norwegian country or society, but there are no fixed rules for who gets this.

The decision was made by the Prime Minister in consultation with the relevant ministers, and Netavisin’s Communications Director says that burial at state expense was not taken into account in this case. However, the government, in agreement with the family, will be represented at the funeral.

Ollie Baus will be buried on January 4, 2024, Gullestad Funeral Home reports Daily newspaper.

I asked the government to remove the page

Nettavisen wrote earlier this week that many people are treating Paus to a funeral at state expense.

Ossie Cleveland (74) was among those who believed this:

– He’s qualified, I mean it. But then there are certainly many considerations to make. “But I would be very surprised if he didn’t get this honor, I have to say,” she said.

Red politician Mimir Kristiansson (37 years old) agreed:

– It goes without saying that he should get it. He meant a lot to a lot of people, and did so for many years. So I think it’s strange that Norway can’t treat someone like Ole Baus, Kristiansson told Netavisen on Wednesday.

– Too bad

When Netavicin put Christian to the test on Friday, he made no secret of the fact that he would like to see a different result.

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– I think it’s a shame, he says.

-I have to admit it’s hard to know where the line is, but Ole Paus meant a lot to many. He lived a public life, and his death is a public event. He adds that it is fair for the state to contribute.

– Should there be clearer controls in this regard? You mentioned that it is difficult to know where the borders are located?

– Either you should never do it, but now you have taken a more expansive line, for example Shabana Rahman, which is a choice I would have supported. Then I think Ole Paus could do it, but they didn’t do it with Jahn Teigen. It is difficult, but in this case one can indulge in it, he thinks.

Christianson does not believe there is anything wrong with the state’s coverage of funerals, which raises expectations for more.

-You make it sound like a big expense, but it’s not. I think a little honor is necessary, and I think most taxpayers think so. Rarely am I sure that the majority in society is with me on something, as in this case, explains Mimir Christianson.

He stressed that no position had been discussed within the Red Party – but that this was “so-called individual action.”

Åse Kleveland does not wish to comment on the matter.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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