Opinions: This is why Kjerkul had to leave

Opinions: This is why Kjerkul had to leave

Ingvild Kirkwall refused. But Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Sture was determined.

Photo: Rohr Hagen/VG

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Sture did not want a minister who was caught cheating. It has become very difficult to do the job of Minister of Health.

He's absolutely right, especially when Kjerkul insists she didn't intentionally plagiarize. The Student Affairs Council at Nord University has concluded otherwise.

Storr was clear that the Honorable Minister had come to the conclusion that she should resign as Minister. Kerkul herself inexplicably answers questions about whether she would have come to the same conclusion herself.

She herself said that as a minister, you depend on trust to get the job done. This is especially true of the trust from her boss, which she lost.

The government has taken strict action against students who cheat. It is important to know how students in particular perceive this issue.

When you know the magnitude of the consequences for students who are caught for plagiarism, it can be difficult to communicate a decision other than Kirkwall's decision to leave.

Nord University believes that Kjerkul intentionally cheated. Thus the extent of plagiarism in the thesis is so great that it cannot have occurred by accident or negligence.

Yes, there should be room for students at all levels to make mistakes and forget references. But honestly, it's not as difficult to avoid plagiarism on a large scale as in this task.

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Sture and retired Health Minister Ingvild Kirkwall at a press conference on Friday. Photo: Gisel Odstad/VG

Approximately 20% of the task was identical to the other texts. The fact that they do independent and apparently good work on top of that is of course a good thing.

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Kjerchol's interpretation was never published. “We did not copy, we used the same method and therefore used the same source references,” she told NRK.

It is simply not a reliable explanation that a fifth of a master's thesis is similar to other texts.

All the health researchers she was responsible for as minister know this.

When a skilled, hard-working and strong minister resigns, it is a loss for Storey. The fact that she is also leader of the Labor Party Trøndelag makes it worse. The county team strongly disagrees that she should go.

Naturally, there will be internal noise from this. It remains to be seen whether Kjerkul himself is thinking about moderating or inflaming his followers' discontent. At the press conference, she appeared more battle-ready than the Norwegian Armed Forces.

The alternative of asking Kjerkul to leave was even worse. It soon looked like Støre was flat on his back to please Trøndelag. It will not strengthen his position in the long term.

Støre now shows who is boss in government and in the Labor Party. It wasn't always a good thing to know.

When he casually sends a disgruntled Kjerkul out of government, he exudes confidence.

It's not just Kjerkul who would have struggled to get the job done if she had stayed put. Støre would also have faced an ongoing problem of interpretation. If he had stood behind her, he would have simultaneously opposed Nord University's decision when it clearly disagreed with their conclusion.

Part of the picture here too is that Støre has a very good team now. He has more to play with than before. Both Knowledge Minister Carrie Nessa Nordton and Labor Minister Tongji Brenna have emphasized a clearer access point recently.

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Støre dealt with a range of difficult cases relating to ministers who had screwed things up. Due to poor handling of jurisdictional regulations, he must bear responsibility. On the other hand, he cannot be blamed for the Minister of Health cheating on his master's thesis.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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