Oppdal – NRK The police had to catch three golden pesants dumped at a recycling facility in Trøndelag.

Oppdal – NRK The police had to catch three golden pesants dumped at a recycling facility in Trøndelag.

– We dispatched a patrol to the Opddal recycling center following a report that someone had seen a cage with three live birds.

police wrote on Twitter Tuesday morning.


When the patrol arrived, they were able to confirm that it was a matter of three “pheasant-like” birds running loose outside the cage without any means.

– Not sure what this is really about. We don’t understand peeping. Investigations are continuing, police wrote.

They soon concluded that the birds were of the golden pheasant variety.

Golden Pheasant Opal

Police wrote on Twitter that three golden pesants didn’t make a “beep” when they appeared at a recycling station in Optal. Soon the task of catching them began.

Photo: Morgan Frelsøy/Opp

According to The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia (SNL) is a species of pheasant in the pheasant family, an Asian bird originally found only in mountainous areas in China.

— It has been released in many places in Europe, and in the British Isles it has established itself in a wild state. It has been shown in several locations in North America and South America, including SNL.

The police, who were on patrol, caught the birds. Watch the video here:

Watch patrols catch golden pheasants in Optal.


– Sadness

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority currently maintains three birds.

Write Ingeborg to NRK Stavne, head of the Department of Food Security in Goldal, was contacted by the police on Tuesday morning for help.

Pheasants were quiet and easy to catch, he writes.

Golden Pheasant in Opal

The golden pheasant is a bird that thrives best in the mountains – but in the mountains of central China.

Photo: Morgan Frelsøy/Opp

Also, describe Stawn as: “Sad and Not Right” Someone has seen animals again in this way.

It is not clear who the birds belong to.

We are happy that the animals were found quickly and we were able to capture them. They will be observed by us and we will review their health before deciding to follow up.

It does not belong here

Someone must have gotten them in breeding and got tired of them.

Kjetil Solbakken, Secretary General of BirdLife Norway, tells NRK.

From time to time we hear of golden colons in the wild because they have escaped private collection. It is a species that many have and is sold as an ornamental bird.

Kjetil Aadne Solbakken

Kjetil Aadne Solbakken in Bird Life.

Photo: Norwegian Ornithological Society

But the ornithologist knows well that they are not naturally native to this climate.

– This is a bird that cannot survive the winter in Norway. And in no case is Opddal, he says.

Solbakken had never heard of live birds being seen again Previously in recycling facilities.

It is animal cruelty to leave them like this. This is clearly illegal and should be followed.

This is sad and testifies to the wrong approach, he concludes.

Golden Pheasant in Opal

One of the three golden pesants dumped in Opal.

Photo: Morgan Frelsøy/Opp

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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