Oslo, the only big city to set off fireworks: – A sudden and unexpected sound comes upon the animals as hell

Oslo, the only big city to set off fireworks: – A sudden and unexpected sound comes upon the animals as hell
Oslo Municipality previously held public fireworks at Langkaya. However, this year, the fireworks display has been partially canceled due to concern for the animals.

Trondheim, Bergen, Tromsø and Stavanger will have joint rocket launches, while Oslo will drop joint fireworks out of concern for animals.

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Oslo Municipality has decided that there will be no public fireworks this year.

– I agree that it is better to spend money on things that do not harm people, animals and the environment, are sustainable and benefit everyone, Environment Councilor Sirin Stav (MDG) tells NTB.

A total ban in the city center

The municipality has also decided that private persons can burst firecrackers only outside Ring 2 between 6 pm and 2 am.

– Every year we see serious eye injuries, fires and fireworks throwing debris, which comes as a sudden and unexpected sonic hell on animals. This leads to mass death of birds and frightened pets. Anyone who’s been around a stressed-out dog on New Year’s Eve knows what I’m talking about, notes Stau.

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HOLMENKOLLEN KAPELL (VG) This week King Harald (85) was admitted to the Rikshospitalet. 1.

He says crackers can lead to poor air quality in the city, which is a problem for many people, especially on cold winter days.

– I think one day we will look back at private fireworks in a dense city the way we look at indoor smoking today, before smoking laws, he says.

In the past, the municipality of Oslo organized a public launch in Langkaya. Last launched in 2019. Fireworks were canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic and in 2021 due to the economy.

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Trondheim Mayor Rita Ottervik (Ap) believes that if the municipality had done like Oslo and banned fireworks in the city center, more people would have abandoned the ban or left the city without taking responsibility for their own emissions.

Fear of illegal launch

In Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger, the municipality is responsible for fireworks. In Tromsø, the voluntary organization Fjellfyrverkeriet takes care of the launch with support from private individuals and the city’s business community.

At the same time, private fireworks will be banned in and around the city center in all these cities.

Trondheim Mayor Rita Ottervik (Ap) said the city has had public fireworks for years, and she believes the arrangement has resulted in fewer fires and injuries.

– He says it is better to have public fireworks than people bursting firecrackers even in central areas.

Ottervik doesn’t think it’s wise to do what Oslo did.

– If we don’t have an alternative, there will be more illegal launches and people will move to legal areas. But in the long run we can arrange a laser show, which is better for the animals and better for the environment, says Meyer.

Rune Bakervik (Ap) long hopes that the municipality will consider alternatives to public fireworks.

– Let’s look at alternatives

City councilor Rune Bakervik in Bergen (Ap) says they are also considering other solutions in the long term.

– Bergen will have public fireworks in the city center this year. There is a great and long tradition around the world to mark the beginning of a new year. Time will tell what happens in the future. The city council has decided to look at alternatives, he says.

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Whether Bergen moves to another solution, such as a program with drones or lasers, will depend on economics and technology, he says.

Record sales await

The crackers industry has seen good sales this year.

– Despite high inflation and sky-high electricity prices, Norwegians will still be bursting with fireworks in 2022. Based on advance sales from more than 1,500 retailers, 2022 will be a new record year for the fireworks industry, writes the Norwegian Fireworks Association. Press release.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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