Pastor Vidar Ness Mikland has set fire to an old debate after he was appointed as a replacement in Channamer.
To local newspapers Bygdebladet Mikeland said he believes women cannot be priests. He then elaborated Sunnmørsposten That he did not want to worship with female colleagues.
Migland recently began a four-month suspension. There, he will work, among other things, as a priest at krskog, and will be in charge of confirmation training.
Press reports have elicited strong reactions.
– Ingborg Mittom tells NRK that there are many who regret after reading that interview.
She was ordained a bishop and priest in the Diocese of Murray. Now she is forced to intervene in the case.
Ingborg Mittom is the Bishop of the Diocese of Mere.
Photo: vindyvind Sandnes / nrk
– Mittom says he has no special agreement, which means he can choose not to cooperate with female priests.
Should he leave quietly if he does not want to worship with female priests?
– Yes, that’s right, says Bishop.
Mittom says he had a long phone conversation with Mickland to clarify the diocese’s vision.
– We have to believe we’ve done this
One of the respondents was Therese Uthard Ass. He sits on the Church Council and the Diocesan Council for the Open Folk Church.
– Now one would think that we have finished this in church. Such attitudes do not accept the status of female priests as professionals and human beings, he says.
Ass is pleased that Bishop is clear on case number. At the same time, she questions the meeting and points it out Mickland is a well-known opponent of female priests.
– It’s very strange if he did not discuss this when he got the job, says Ass.
Theresa Utkart Ass says she has spoken to many in the media who are upset by the new priest’s proposals.
Photo: Private
NRK has spoken with Mikeland, but he will not comment on the case until he tells the bishop more.
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