– People are tired – NRK Culture and Entertainment

– People are tired – NRK Culture and Entertainment

-I think they created a lot of content. This leads to lower quality.

That’s what Herman Magnussen, a former Marvel fan, says.

He has it no Go see the new movie «Wonders» In the cinema.

And he is not alone in that:

Previous Marvel movies have gone against it 300 thousand visitors in the first week The new film has been watched by 14,522 Norwegians since it premiered on November 8.

Internationally, it is the lowest sales in Marvel history.

Brie Larson in The Marvels

The new movie “The Marvels” is witnessing a decline in cinema attendance.

Image: Marvel/Marvel

Marvel is out

Since 2008, we’ve seen superheroes on the movie screen several times a year.

Marvel has had more credit than any other film franchise, with hits like “The Avengers” films.

– Previously, the focus was on pure entertainment and storytelling, recalls Hermann.

Now the company is believed to be mass-producing the same story.

Here, Herman summarized:

– One person or another gets a power, then there’s a villain with the same power, then they fight towards the end and that’s it – with a few lines in the middle.


The Avengers films represent the pinnacle of the genre.

Photo: AP

Reduces the volume of production

Marvel and its parent company Disney were actually supposed to release three superhero movies next year.

Now there will only be one.

The recently ended Hollywood strike may have helped delay many of the premieres.

But this is also one Conscious strategy.

Going Against the Strikes: Disney CEO Bob Iger said that the strikers' demands were not realistic, and that a strike would have dire consequences for the film industry.

Disney CEO Bob Iger admits production has taken off, but places the blame on his predecessor.

Photo: Agence France-Presse

Disney has “lost focus,” says Disney CEO Bob Iger, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He blames the former president.

Iger admits that the company has been sitting around for a long time amount above Quality.

“extraordinary fatigue”

Are you also tired of the eternal conveyor belt of superheroes?

Then you’re probably suffering from what’s called “superhero fatigue.”

Captain America Civil War movie review

Are you tired of this?

Photo: AP

Describes the term The overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that there’s always another superhero movie coming up.

You have to follow the universe closely to benefit from the movies, as film critic Einar Arvig explains.

It’s like a homework test. He says people are tired of superheroes.

Einar Arvig

Film critic and journalist Einar Arvig thinks “The Marvels” is mediocre.

Photo: private

Has the period been specified?

Aarvig sees The Avengers: Endgame as the pinnacle of the genre.

– He thinks he’s put an end to it.

The critic thinks so BarbenheimerThe phenomenon can be read as a counter-reaction:

People flocked to movie theaters this summer to watch movies for free Superheroes and action.

Margot Robbie in Barbie and Cillian Murphy in Oppenheimer.  The combination of the two films was dubbed "Barbenheimer".

“Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” won the Summer Cinema Award.

Photo: AP

Benjamin Brecken is a film journalist for VGTV.

Believes no We see the end of visas as soon as possible.

– It is noted that all major studios have made long-term plans for superhero films.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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