– People think short-term – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– People think short-term – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

A few days ago Climate summit kicks off in Egypt A new survey shows that people are now less concerned about the climate than in previous years.

Other conditions now apply most importantly, According to the survey from Gandhar.

The reason was concern about war and epidemics. Many are concerned about Norway’s security situation and the state of the health service, He says Eva Fosby Livgard is responsible for Kantar’s Climate Barometer.

These are areas that most people haven’t paid attention to in the past, but have gained more attention because of the war in Ukraine.

38 percent of people are watching now Climate as One Among the country’s three biggest challenges One 8 percentage points lower Since last year, according to the climate barometer.

Mental health and high energy expenditure

“Increasing social” differences and “tasks in health care” ranked highest this year with 48 percent.

Among young people, engagement is higher now than it was 10 years ago, but not as much as it was a year ago.

What’s causing the decline in engagement among the under-30s?

– Many young people struggled with mental health issues during the pandemic, and many studies show that high energy costs hit young people hard. This may be the reason why climate has not been prioritized, says Livegaard.

Under-30s also prioritize health care and social disparities over climate. Mikan Jacobsen (26) believes that short-term crises take up too much energy during the day.

Photo: Heather Ørbeck Eliassen / NRK

– People have become more confident

We care too much about ourselves and don’t think much about the future. Before the pandemic we were a very united people towards a better future, he believes Michan Jacobsen (26).

He believes that people are more focused on the dire crises they are currently facing in life.

There are many people in my circle of friends who say they have become afraid of others or developed social anxiety after the pandemic. You’re too caught up in yourself, and you don’t worry about bigger problems, says Jakobson.

With everything being so expensive as it is now, I think you’ve become a bit more selfish. We spend more money on food and electricity.

Plasterboard manufacturer Gyproc in Fredrikstad 2009.

Fewer people point to climate change, and people worry more (+14 percentage points) about what effects the international economy will have on our country.

Photo: Heiko Jung / NTP

The survey found that 45-59 year olds were the least concerned about climate change.

I noticed that my parents’ generation cared less about the climate and simply forgot about it. “My group of friends actually cares a lot about the climate right now, at least when our parents’ generation isn’t on the team that’s ruling the world right now,” he said. Jacobsen.

– More short-term thinking

Climate Barometer 2022

Matthias Skjulstad (24) thinks that it is sad that there is less focus than before on long-term solutions.

Photo: Heather Ørbeck Eliassen / NRK

Matthias Skjulstad (24) doesn’t think it’s surprising that fewer people care about the climate now.

It’s a little sad that the focus is shifting away from long-term solutions because we only have one planet. Other issues are also important, he says, but we must not forget nature.

We can think more short-term than we think. Skjulstad says it’s easy to focus on internal problems, which are very real, but we have to make room for other problems to be relevant.

What will it take for more people to get involved?

As with volunteering, everyone must participate if it is to have any benefit. Better to spread the word about it, he advises, and make sure you take those steps yourself.

When looked at by age, the survey suggests that young people generally distinguish themselves by taking more climate action.

In the past year, young people used public transport more than the rest of the population, ate less red meat, bought more second-hand goods, cycled and walked more.

Climate Barometer 2022

Matilde Angeltveit is a youth representative during this year’s Climate Summit. Although climate commitment among young people is significantly lower than last year, people under 30 are still more concerned about climate today than they were 12 years ago.

Photo: Heather Ørbeck Eliassen / NRK

More criticism of the government’s climate work

According to Kantar’s survey, more than half of respondents believe that politicians are doing too little to control greenhouse gas emissions in Norway.

Fewer people see Norway as an international pioneer on climate issues.

Matilde Angeltveit believes this makes the UN climate summit starting in a few days even more important.

He was the youth delegate during COP27, the 27th annual meeting of the member states.

– The climate crisis is getting worse every year, and this year we have seen many big crises in the world with droughts, floods and all kinds of things, so I think this will be an important year, he says.

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD) presented the figures.

– People better be patient. So is the government. We are now gaining momentum on climate policy with annually updated Climate Plans. Rocknhild Sjöner Syrstad (AP) says this is how we’re on track to the climate goals in 2030.

With this survey in mind, what does Norway need to achieve at the climate summit?

– Norway continues to work towards the 1.5 degree target. He says the results of the climate summit should contribute to deep and rapid emissions cuts, a transition to renewable energy and the world halting deforestation.

People we spoke to say they want to see climate change lead to something. What is the most important thing Norway has achieved in the past year?

– Engaging in budget documents may not be easy, but the publication of the Green Paper is indeed a milestone in climate work. We link the emissions budget to the state budget, thereby linking us to the mast to achieve climate targets, says Sirstad.

– While we now have to update climate plans annually, Syrstad says we are opening the door to a faster pace on climate policy, and points out that the government has, among other things, increased the Co2 tax and increased the use of biofuels. And large subsidies are given for restructuring in the industry.

Vinh Nguyen

Vinh Nguyen.

Photo: Olaug Bjørnset / NRK

– Now there is a little more fuss

Why do you think people are more concerned about the climate than ever before?

– Certain people may have heard the same thing over and over again. But now, says Vinh Nguyen, more attention needs to be paid to climate change than ever before.

How to re-engage people?

– I think we should brainstorm a bit and try to find new ways to engage people. Spread the word to other target groups. My generation used to be very involved, but many of my friends think it’s a bit more fussy now, says Nguyen.

– We should start talking about it again

Matilde Angeltveit traveled to the climate summit in Egypt on behalf of young people in Norway.

Angeltweed thinks it’s a shame that commitment has weakened, and believes the world should take them all.

– The climate crisis is about our very basis for being in the world.

There are many crises in the world right now that are being covered up, she believes. Angeltweed doesn’t feel like people are becoming less engaged, but more frustrated.

– I think people are worried, but the climate crisis is the biggest crisis we’ve been fighting for decades. I think people need to see that dedication leads to something.

– One of the most important things you can do now is to talk about the problem and show politicians that you care. People want more climate action from politicians and want arrangements to be made to make climate-friendly choices. He says getting involved in politics is the most important thing you do.

Norway’s greenhouse gas emissions and climate targets
Measured in million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent

Norway’s climate targets23.1–25.7 million tonnes per annum

Go to NRK’s ​​Climate Status

By 2030 Norway needs to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50-55 percent below 1990 levels. The goal must be achieved with the cooperation of the European Union. By 2050 Norway needs to cut emissions by 90-95 percent.

This means reducing emissions at a record pace. We have managed to reduce about 5 million tonnes in the last ten years and we will reduce about 25 million tonnes in the next ten years.

Norway needs to reduce emissions in two ways, as the emission sources can be divided into two:

Emissions subject to quotas: These are particularly emissions from industry and oil/gas platforms. Emissions are covered by the EU’s quota system: to emit greenhouse gases, industry must buy permits (quotas) at a price set by the quota market in the EU. Steadily higher prices and fewer quotas will force emissions reductions where they are easier to implement.

Emissions not subject to quotas: These are greenhouse gases emitted from transportation, agriculture, waste, and heating in buildings. It’s called a quota-free sector because you don’t need quotas to emit greenhouse gases. How Norway can reduce emissions in this sector is described in the special report “Climate Cure 2030”. Politicians decide what actions to implement from the report.

Norway can reduce quota-free emissions by paying for emission cuts in other European countries. The government says it plans to meet targets without using this option, but may use it if it is “absolutely necessary”.

For Norway, emissions from both sectors are roughly the same: in 2019, they each released about 25 million tons of greenhouse gases.

It can be politically embarrassing. One possible solution is for Norway to choose to pay for emissions cuts in other countries. Norway can We should be subject to sanctions if we don’t meet the targets we have agreed with the EU.

In line with the targets set out in the Paris Agreement, Norway must regularly report cuts to the UN. Here, no sanctions are imposed on those who do not fulfill their obligations.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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