Several public places in Hønefoss are tagged with the text “Tyster Jonas”, writes NRK The channel viewed images from eight coded locations. They have also released photos from multiple locations, NTB reports on Monday afternoon.
Police are aware of the tagging and say they are keeping it as part of their investigation. They want information from members of the public who are behind this or who have observed other sightings.
– Police prosecutor Dine Henriksen says it’s perfectly normal to see if there’s a connection.
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Cabin owner Jonas (30) asked for the footage days before the murder: – Could be interesting
On August 17th Jonas Arseth Henriksen (30) was found dead near Ness Cabin in Addal. The case was first investigated as a suspicious death and after the preliminary post-mortem report was received, it is now being investigated as a case of murder. Henriksen was the victim of a case that was or is under investigation.
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Many people know him as “LastebilJonas”: – You are someone I have been waiting for
“Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru.”