Queen Elizabeth and Duchess Meghan: – serious talk reveals:

Queen Elizabeth and Duchess Meghan: – serious talk reveals:

There is no doubt that Duchess Meghan (40) thought so It’s hard to become part of the British royal family.

The former “Suits” star has been opened up many times before about this, among other things Many shocking statements about the royal family.

What is really in the family, of course, little is known, but now and then there are drops of the common, of people who claim to know more than the man in the street.

Happened before the wedding

She’s doing it now, and this time it will be an incident between the head of the family, Queen Elizabeth (95), and Duchess Meghan.

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According to the British tabloid, Mirror The Queen is said to have had to take the incoming duchess aside due to inappropriate behavior during a taste test at the castle before the wedding with Prince Harry, 37, in 2018.

On top of that, it looks like Meghan should have ordered dishes without eggs, but some shouldn’t have tasted as the Duchess wanted, explains royal author Katie Nicholl. The “wrong” allegedly sued the 40-year-old, even though the staff claimed the food was without eggs.

It is said that Megan differed clearly and loudly.

Set aside by the Queen

The King should not be particularly pleased with the Duchess’ way of speaking to the staff, which made the Queen choose to take action.

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– The Queen was naturally upset when she came in and saw what had happened. The writer said it was at Windsor Castle – her home, according to the newspaper.

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The 95-year-old is said to have later put Meghan aside, just to point out that they don’t talk that way to other people.

As previously mentioned, Meghan has previously stated that life as a royal isn’t just a dance of roses. with her husband She’s also putting her royal duties on the shelf in 2020.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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