Raised money with cancer patient Elizabeth Splice

Raised money with cancer patient Elizabeth Splice

Elizabeth from Bergen is a happy woman who always smiles and wants to walk with her friends in the mountains. Only here in Norway does he receive lifelong treatment, hiding the fact that he has been diagnosed with cancer that cannot be cured by Norwegian doctors.

– I wonder what is the value of my life and what I need to live. Elizabeth Thomassen says the government has decided not to treat patients with breast cancer.

But she has more confidence:

– In the United States, they perform surgery on tumors in the breast and tumors in the liver, so you have a chance to survive, he says TV2 helps you.

Elizabeth was preparing for the worst, but when she heard about the possibility of surgery in the United States, new hope came to her.

– It was as if the brain’s immune system was reactivated. It was like it exploded. I thought the death penalty could not be accepted. So I started a fundraiser for myself.

The cost of the operation is three million kroner. To fund it, she created “What is the value of my life?” A piece with the name of. The first Splicen was a solid success, and he raised 1,168,800 kroner. Now she has started a new splice to achieve the goal.

New split: Elizabeth Thomassen has begun new fundraising to operate in the United States.  Photo: Facsimile Spleis

New split: Elizabeth Thomassen has begun new fundraising to operate in the United States. Photo: Facsimile Spleis

When she was paid from the first collection, she was shocked. Splice actually paid 72,776 kroner in fees and charges to allow Elizabeth to collect on their website. If she had been able to raise the full amount, Splice would have given her 195,000 kroner out of the accumulated funds. In comparison, someone who collects 10,000 kroner pays only 325 kroner per splice.

Watch the full chapter On TV 2 Play from Thursday.


Spleis is Norway’s largest donor – based public sponsorship and is owned by Sberbank 1. Here you can raise money for the sports team or the corps. Or raise large sums for important activities.

In 2020, Spleis NOK collected 234 million. Other Norwegian sites such as Bidra, Startskudd and Lokalverdi collected only NOK 30 million. Thus, Splice has almost a monopoly on donation-based public funding in Norway.

On its website, Splice writes about how cheap it is to raise money for an individual. You collect 6,000 kroner and use the example to get 5,935 kroner. Because, you do not pay for the first 5,000 kroner you collect. But if one million is collected, nearly 65,000 kroner must be paid. You pay 6.5 percent for Spleis.

More expensive than others

Professor Arne Krogan at NTNU specializes in digital economics. He explains that a service like Spleis has almost all the costs before it starts.

– For every new customer who receives the service, there are no measurable additional costs. Therefore, he explains that it does not cost much to collect a lot of money rather than a little money.

At the start of the service, Spleis chose a fixed rate of 6.5 percent on all sums above NOK 5,000. Amounts below NOK 5,000 are tax deductible. Thus, large collections finance small ones.

In addition, the percentage of Spleis is significantly higher than similar services of competitors. DNB charges only 3% for its publicly funded entrepreneurial service Startskudd, which has a very similar structure to websites like Spleis.

Got the help of Frank Locke

As she began to gather, she needed help to spread the word. He chose Frank Locke, a former volleyball player and game maker. Elizabeth sent a video that made a strong impression:

“Hey, Frank.” I need help. I don’t want to die, I want to live longer. I want to be here with my daughter, “Elizabeth cried in the video.

– If you want help from someone, you should ask someone who has not given up. I thought Frank Lock was like me. He doesn’t give up, Elizabeth says.

Frank Locke agreed to help and was able to add celebrities like Peter Nordak and Isabel Rod to the team. In a few days they collected more than 1 million kroner with the help of Spleis and Vipps.

– Getting the help of complete strangers who have never met or seen you, they pull around and spend energy and time. Elizabeth says it’s very magical.

Begins action against spleis

Frank Lock believes the bank’s fees are too high. Thus, he and Elizabeth, along with six other large splice collections, began an act and turned the splice into a lawsuit.

Valuable help: Frank Lock helps Elizabeth get paid at Splice.  Photo: Private

Valuable help: Frank Lock helps Elizabeth get paid at Splice. Photo: Private

– I think everyone thinks too much of it. Ask those on the street and those who have splice. But in a way, you have no choice. So we have to push on Sberbank 1 and Splice, says Frank Locke.

He tells Elizabeth:

– Sparbank 1 reduces your chances of survival. They charge 6.5 percent, which is more money.

Frank Locke

– Sparbank 1 reduces your chances of survival. They charge 6.5 percent, which is more money.

– For me, they take my life. They eat what I need to survive, says Elizabeth.

– I collected money at Splice, but I need this money.

We’ve talked to a lot of people on the executive committee, all of whom express the same opinion:

– Stein Nilsson, who ran a fundraising campaign for his daughter Emma, ​​says it’s far beyond you to raise money for someone who is in poor health and in need of much help.

– This is a very high fee, and many of those who are considering giving have reacted to it, says Jan P. Christoffersen, who suffers from acute and chronic cancer.

MS patient Monica Helen Thorheim is even clearer:

– I think it’s a little unfair for them to put shoes on people who are sick, he says.

– Not for making money

There are many who have reacted with Elizabeth to the high fees of Sberbank 1 and Splice. Now she wants an answer as to why the bank is spending this money.

– When you use Splice, you pay for a service that collects as much money as you did, says Bjorn Kettle Hellestrey, general manager of Splice.

He explains that a key team of 13 people works daily to improve the service.

– We raise money for many great purposes. If we are able to run such a service over time, we will have to pay the costs we have. We need to have income. He says we can offset the costs, not just to make money, but to run and further improve a service like Spleis.

Splice changes

After TV 2 helped you connect with several great Spleiser in early May, Spleis comes with a change just before the summer holidays. They have set a ceiling of 1.1 million kroner. For amounts above this, you pay only 2 percent for transaction fees, but avoid the full platform fee of 4.5 percent.

– Why did you choose to set the limit to NOK 1.1 million?

– Because we have seen our pricing turn out to be unfortunate for those with enormous divisions, Hellestrey says.

– But will it turn out to be a little unfortunate for those who charge 600,000-700,000?

– Where to set this limit will always be a question.

The ceiling of 1.1 million kroner, for example, is the splice for MMA boxer Emil Weber Meek, who started for his lame friend Keer Corey Nyland, withdrawing money. So do the other eight splice. But all five involved in the appeal to Elizabeth and Frank are under 1.1 million kroner.

Fixed cancer: Elizabeth Thomassen looks new on the surface as the cancer is currently stable.  But that can change quickly.  Photo: TV 2 helps you

Fixed cancer: Elizabeth Thomassen looks new on the surface as the cancer is currently stable. But that can change quickly. Photo: TV 2 helps you

Elizabeth gets the good news

Elizabeth has amassed more than 1.1 million kroner. But as Splicen lasted more than nine months, he was forced to discontinue it and launch a new collection with the same sky-high charge of 6.5 percent.

Does that seem unfair?

– I totally agree with that. We have seen that this is unfair to you. So I would definitely pursue the new Splicen with a 2 percent charge. Of course, we also looked at how we take care of others who come after you in a similar situation, says Hellestrey.

– This is good news, says a radiologist Elizabeth.

– It’s really missing. I hope your Spleis speeds up again so that you can save money well and get well. That’s my biggest wish, ”says Bjorn Kettle Hellestrey at Splice.

He emphasizes that the purpose of the service is to give people the opportunity to raise money for good causes.

Elizabeth avoids paying 90,000 kroner for the remaining collection.

– Then we can start with blank sheets. We will collect three lakhs. You should get another chance, says happy Frank Locke.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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