Reader’s Letter, Elderly Care | An open letter to the Mayor of Viestby: What on earth is going on with elderly care in Viestby municipality?

Reader’s Letter, Elderly Care |  An open letter to the Mayor of Viestby: What on earth is going on with elderly care in Viestby municipality?

reader speech This is an entry in the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the views of the author.

What on earth is going on with elderly care in Viestby municipality?

Yes, you can definitely ask yourself that. I have to admit that this opinion is written in a frustrating, questioning, and slightly confusing “bubble” because I am a relative of a patient who was, in my opinion, in a humiliating situation. Why? Yes, since you’re ready to be discharged, you’ve ‘stuck’ two people in a one-person room and have done so for about a week while you stand in line for a place in Vestby nursing home. You can imagine a situation where you’re a stroke patient, on your way to recovery, then you’re sent home, you fall and you cut yourself. Another round in the hospital, confused, desperate that for a while you can’t manage yourself and be in safe surroundings. It can only be emphasized that as relatives you feel completely helpless. The moment you are deemed ready to be discharged, you sit there waiting, like another parcel with only a hospital bed, no chair, no locker to keep your personal belongings, or the possibility to go, say, to a TV lounge. I am not surprised if someone claims that there are better conditions in the new prison in Halden …

The end of the visas here was that the next of kin directly contacted the home service of the municipality, where the situation was explained. The home service immediately contacted the hospital and provided assistance in cooperation with relatives, enabling the patient to be discharged from home immediately under safe conditions. Many thanks to the housekeeping service for the energy shown!

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But why on earth would you face such a situation?

In Viestby Municipality, significant resources have been used in recent years to expand the Viestby Nursing Home and the latest is a new offering of Nursing Homes in Solhei in Son. In this regard, it appears that a ward was transferred from the nursing home to the care homes in Solhøy without being vacant as a result of the transfer. Furthermore, only one of Solhøy’s three floors seems to have been used. And then there are patients who are sitting in the hospital and possibly at home in their own homes, waiting for a place in the nursing home. Patients who are ready to be discharged and who are deemed to be discharged to the nursing home are causing a congestion in the system in the hospital, which means that other patients are sometimes left in the corridor! Besides, it is believed that patients who have a permanent place in a nursing home are transferred to a nursing home.

As an ordinary average citizen of Vestby municipality, it is hard to understand this situation. It has become so popular that everything has to be as strategic, robust, efficient and cost effective as possible and not least sustainable!

Great stuff, but what about dignity?

Nice word too, but in my opinion easier to understand meaning. What about the dignity of patients who may be at the end of life? What about the dignity and conscience of employees who are doing their best and well, but have orders to do the work “well enough”? There does not seem to be room for giving the patient that small increase that makes one live a decent life experience. This is a balancing act that must be difficult and difficult to handle. After the administrative restructuring of elderly care in Son, I also recorded posts on social media that the residents of Stenløkka are now worried about their future. annoying …

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One can ask whether the municipality of Viestby’s elderly care is now protecting the rights and needs of residents. I must admit I had my doubts, but I don’t have enough knowledge of the regulations to be able to express myself or claim anything about it.

Back to the starting point: What happens to elderly care in Viestby municipality? Why is the Vestby Nursing Home full when apparently there are still spaces available?

I suspect this is a cost issue as a result of political decisions. The municipality is going through a major development and it is demanding to deal with the obligations that this entails. operating budget, eg. It doesn’t help building a new nursing home/care spaces or anything else if you don’t have money to use. Everyone should have it, but it costs money to use and we obviously can’t afford it.

And horror, horror. You must have had your head under your arm and your arm in bandages when you decided to build the Kulturkvartalet at the “dullion” of Kroner if this exceeded other important basic services. Even I, who at first was sanguine about a cultural quarter in the municipality, – but this, however, on condition that we can get it up and running! Now it says there, and “only” NOK 1,500,000 will be spent during the opening week.

My post could certainly be seen as inappropriate, but it is only intended to focus on an area that is clearly struggling to maintain operations and protect the rights you have as a citizen. It’s all about priorities and common sense and not spending a lot of money you don’t have. Installments come due, interest rates go up, and property tax is likely to be next. Unfortunately, I’m in the age group that’s referred to as the “great senior wave” – ​​and then I guess you can only bet here that you’re “die with your shoes on”!

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In general, I would like the Mayor to comment on my proposal and preferably specific answers to the various points I have made.

With my warmest regards

Find G. Eriksen

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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