Rector Mohan takes the SSB report very lightly

Rector Mohan takes the SSB report very lightly

Discussion: Director Klaus Mohn should know that in science it is not important who comes up with an idea. Many pioneering achievements are due to discoveries made by ordinary people.

We should not forget the role of trees and water vapor in a warmer climate, writes Per Arne Björkum.
  • Per Arne Björkum

    Honorary Professor UiS

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This is a discussion post. The post was written by an external contributor, and quality assured by Aftenbladet’s debate department. Opinions and analyzes are the author’s own.

In Stavanger-Aftenblad recently, headmaster Mohn discussed the report published by Statistics Norway (SSB) which included criticism of the UN climate panel. According to Moon, a report written by people with marginal climate knowledge and a thin checklist cannot change the paradigm.

It is a perception that has no history. In science, it is not important who comes up with an idea, or how it is launched. Semmelweis had the idea of ​​washing his hands with chlorine water from a toilet block. The four-hundred-year history of science tells us that outsiders are often the first to discover problems.

If NASA is right,
Increasing afforestation will lead to
To warmer climates in the north.

Important criticisms of climate models

Much of what we know was initially presented in the form of pamphlets. Our basic knowledge of how energy behaves, the laws of energy, is made public in this way. The Special Theory of Relativity (1905) was published by a patent clerk – and the bibliography was empty!

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Rector Mohn is convinced that carbon dioxide from fossil energy sources is an important cause of climate change. He may have been right, but the report to the SSB was not just about carbon dioxide and temperature. The authors also criticized climate models. It is a particularly important criticism. Enormous resources are used in climate models and written analyses, and climate metrics are based on them.

Mohn may not know it, but NASA has a different basic climate model than the UN Climate Panel – which I explain in this article.
The authors of the Statistics Norway report also point out that water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It’s a justified reminder. In its latest expert report, the UN climate panel failed to determine the extent to which increased humidity would lead to rising temperatures, as it did for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

The importance of water vapor

The UN Climate Panel is the most concerned with accounting for carbon dioxide. Trees pull carbon dioxide from the air, but the average-sized tree also sends several hundred kilograms of water vapor into the air over the course of a day. Even if we correct for the fact that water vapor has a short residence time in the air, living trees become net producers of greenhouse gases – and according to NASA, the increase in water vapor content in the air means More than double that The temperature rises with increases in carbon dioxide.

According to the UN Climate Panel, the air above Arctic forests has become up to 30 percent more humid. This is four times more than the average. Meanwhile, the temperature above the Arctic forests rose by up to 6 degrees, which is almost 6 times more than the average temperature on Earth. In trying to explain the sharp increase in temperature, the climate panel did not take water vapor into account. They do not do this when they advise us to plant trees. If we follow the advice, it will likely get warmer here in the north (see NASA model).

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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