Renee groomed Tina Turner: – Sympathetic and down-to-earth

Renee groomed Tina Turner: – Sympathetic and down-to-earth
Renee groomed Tina Turner: – Sympathetic and down-to-earth
COVER: Renee Andersen groomed Tina Turner during five parties in 1996. This is the review in VG, June 14.

Rene Andersen warmed up to Tina Turner five times at the Oslo Spectrum. She was very sympathetic and down to earth.


It was announced, on Wednesday evening, that one of the biggest artists in the world, Tina Turner, had passed away. She lived to be 83 years old.

– Terribly tragic, says the artist Odd Rene Andersen (54).

He worked with Turner during her concerts at the Oslo Spektrum in 1996.

– I prepared for it, at first, in three concerts. But he said it was so popular that they did two more concerts, so I prepared for it two more times.

He started out as a vocalist in the band Dream Police, but is best known for his solo albums “Break of Dawn” (1995) and “Good company” (1996) under the stage name René Andersen.

Meet Tina: Renee Andersen groomed Tina Turner during five concerts in 1996.

Renee says he had a private meeting with the star.

– After we played two concerts, I was invited to her dressing room. We sat there and talked for an hour before a concert.

VG wrote that Tina Turner remained “miles away from the Norwegian press and gave no interviews”. But she wanted to talk to Renee.

Open up about the past

She told him she had listened to one of the warm-up numbers and said she liked the music very much, Andersen recalled.

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We talked about music and life. I remember her as very likable and down to earth. She took her time.

She talked a lot in the conversation about her family, says Andersen.

She was very open about her past and believes it was hard for her to be away from her children.

– I was very amazed at how she turned from an ordinary old lady into a rock queen on stage a little later.

roll the dice 6

Andersen had no contact with Tina Turner after 1996, but recalls a VG report published in connection with concerts they held in the summer of 1996.

– I remember the case of VG very well. She talked about how I was really touched by how generous she was, Andersen says.

The Rampelys’ cover title was “Boast of René” with a large photo of René with the star.

By the way, I got a 6 die roll by a VG reviewer after one of these concerts. “Simply the best,” was his verdict.

In recent years, Andersen has participated several times in Ivar Derhog’s “Beat for Beat”. He was also a regular vocalist on Dan Børge Akerø’s “Den store classfesten”.


Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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