Alexander Meli
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«Refine about theoretical physics»
She wrote that quantum physics theory about particles moving in unpredictable positions is like a late-night disco. We get rid of each other and we get rid of each other. You can never predict exactly how or where your partner will move on:
“In quantum physics, the boundaries are blurred, and certainty slips into obscurity, and this is also the case when describing feelings or artistic experiences.”
In “Beauty in Chaos,” Julia Ravani combines theoretical physics with the history of science and her personal stories of our existence.
It liberates technical language, a move that works well for readers who do not have a deeper knowledge of quantum theory and the theory of relativity. The book balances style with accessibility, to borrow a quote from a review published in the Swedish scientific journal Responss.
I would say for myself that Giulia Ravanese as a writer is sometimes equated with the shooting star Carlo Rovelli, the Italian scholar and author who is praised in his books on theoretical physics for his perfect poetic language.
If we look, as Julia Ravanes does in the book, carefully enough at the picture of the world, at reality, we see blurred brushstrokes, colors flowing and mixing together, rather than sharp lines.
Disco: Julia Ravanese, born 1993, has a master’s in engineering and studies the history of technology. Photo: Frieda Winter
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The first to describe this unexpected fact was Werner Heisenberg. In the summer of 1925, he came to Heligoland to get rid of a pesky pollen allergy. Here, on this windswept island, the 24-year-old German physicist made his famous calculations about the strange improbability of elementary particles:
The camouflaging relationship states that both the position and the magnitude of the particle’s motion cannot be precisely determined by simultaneous measurement. Heisenberg’s physical explanation for obfuscation was that in all experiments, we blur what we investigate. In other words, it is not possible to gain knowledge of the particle’s position and velocity at the same time.
It was another dance performed by Isaac Newton 200 years ago. In his description of the world, you can know exactly what you are looking for. The universe is organized like a clock with simple laws of nature governing everything. Absolutely everything. From a tiny speck of dust in the air to the future of the world. But with quantum physics came new beats.

Rumors of Opium in Mandal
The ball is in the goal
Julia Ravanese writes that a boulder, a boulder thrown off a shore, moves as it is, not because Newton developed his second law, but because the particles that make up the boulder—all of which have the quantum physical freedom to fly in their direction. will – so many that the overall probability of the path to be chosen is so concentrated around the most common path that all other alternatives are sped up in the dream world.
Ravanese explains understandably:
“When you kick the ball in the direction of a target, you know that in order to hit the crossbar directly, you must have exactly the correct speed and direction on the ball. If you are a physicist, you can even work out how exactly the ball must move to hit a flash, using a number of natural laws “.
In other words: a good old body — still good on big things like rocks and planets — is the one we see and feel on a daily basis.
Einstein inside
Nor was Albert Einstein’s astonishing and grandiose theory of relativity a complete break with the traditional idea that the world is drawn with clear lines that we as human beings can follow.
Einstein said, “God does not play dice.” The famous statement is related to the lifelong debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein over the interpretation of quantum mechanics at the Solvay Conference in Brussels in 1927.
There is debate as to whether Einstein believed in any deities. Perhaps the word “God” is used as a metaphor for the world order. Quantum theory contains undeniable ideas that seem to contradict the system of relativity – as when two particles are entangled and affect each other within light years.
Einstein for life refused to accept and believe in quantum physics, saying:
“It seems hard to me to look at our Lord in cards. But I don’t think for a moment that he plays dice and uses ‘telepathic’ aids (as current quantum theory claims he does).”
However, it is an indisputable fact that quantum theory works. A new quantum computer in China can perform a 200-second calculation that takes more than half a billion years on the world’s fastest “classical” non-quantum computer.

He lost two children to suicide
“The far-reaching effects are frightening,” Einstein said of fusion. But the fact is that the mutual influence of two molecules – like in a couple’s dance – is used daily in the GPS by you and me, and it gives us one hundred percent safe time.
Perhaps the best with this book. You, like me, do not need to understand everything about dancing with Julia Ravanes.
“Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff.”