Room: Ausstellung zum 400. Todestag des Heiligen Josafat

Room: Ausstellung zum 400. Todestag des Heiligen Josafat

Zum 400. Todestag des Heiligen Josaphat (Josaphat) Kuncewytsch (1580-1623) located in Rom dem als Spirituellen Brückenbauer zwischen Litauen, Ukraine, Polen and Belarus bekannten Martyrerbischof eine Ausstellung in Rom gewidmit. The President of the Vatican Council, Cardinal Kurt Koch, recalled the words of John Paul II during the opening of the show at the Pontifical Gregorian University. (1978-2015), where citation is the most convincing sign of Ökumene bezeichnet hatte.

Dear friends, please feel free to contact us on your website and call us on November 12, 400. Mal. Thank you very much now 17. Please feel free to contact the “Union” in your home and home page.

This gift is for the cardinal that the Christian Martyr does not see in the church. All Kirchen saw Davon affected, eräuttte der Präfekt des Dikasterium zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen. Against the backdrop of the Russian war in Ukraine, Koch also pointed out the tragic fact of “a skewed opinion of martyrdom in Ukraine, Christine von Christen Gottutet Werden.”

Lithuanian Embassy as organizer

The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Holy See organized the opening ceremony of the exhibition on October 20. Roman Catholic Archbishop Gintaras Grosas von Vilnius and Kiefer Grosserzbychov Swiatoslaw Shochuk, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, emphasized the friendly relations between the two local churches.

Jehoshaphat (Josaphat) Koncewicz was born around 1580 in Volodymyr in Volhynia, in today’s Ukraine, with the Orthodox name Son Eltern Giborin. As a young man, Mann moved to Vilnius, Lithuania, to learn the tradesman’s trade. In 1604, he entered the Holy Trinity Monastery in Vilnius, already living in Gemeinschaft with Rome, and took the monastic name Jehoshaphat. In 1617, the Greek Catholic Order of Basilian was founded, in cooperation with Metropolitan Joseph Velamin Rutsky, where they worked according to the example of Jesuits everywhere as priests and missionaries. Konsiewicz belonged to the Befürwortern der “union” of the Eastern Church with Rome in the former Polish-Lithuanian territory of Doppelrepublik (“Rzeczpospolita”), which reached as far as Eastern Europe.

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(Chapter / Vatican News – MG)

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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