Room the rash twice in 45 minutes

Room the rash twice in 45 minutes

On Thursday night, Bodo/Glimt turned on the Roma football greats. – We’re in complete ecstasy, says Åge Magnussen (71), better known as “Uncle Richard” on “Pelle Police Car.”

In ECSTASE: former police officer and Åge Magnussen representative.

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Thursday night I watched the game at home to Glimt Stadium – the windswept, windswept Espmera.

Magnussen is a former police officer and actor and was behind “Pelle Police Car” where he played the role of police officer “Uncle Richard”.

When VG calls, he’s on his way out of the stadium – the wind howls at the phone. He quickly admitted that there will likely be some “bubbles in the glass” when he gets home.

– We’re completely tranced, breathless. We’ve never seen anything like this before, at least not me. It’s bigger than Christmas Eve and May 17th, in general. It’s very bulky, he says, and adds:

Think about it: It took more than a day to build the rooms, but Bodø/Glimt spent 45 minutes destroying the rooms.

Intense cheers: There was a lot of barracks at Aspmyra and Glimt’s supporters didn’t have much to cheer.

Host Per Sundance also watched the match from the stands at Espmera Stadium.

– This was quite sick. It’s something that happens “once in a lifetime,” he tells VG.

– They were so strong and straightforward, and that’s what Berg did He. She practice logAnd He says About Glimt’s accomplishments on the football field Thursday night.

After the match, he went to the airport to travel north, but he also describes the good atmosphere among the travelers.

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– It’s fun to walk around here – everyone wears Bodø/Glimt scarves at the airport, too, he says.

Happy: Per Sundnes, pictured here during a TV launch in 2019.

We play against a team that does not have every man in defense and is trying to attack. It was the amazing Glimt team that humiliated Roma.

He attacks actor and animator Knut Eddy after the match. He also watched the match on Aspmyra. Eddie is best known for his role as “Bodo” ​​in three films about Stumpa in the 1960s.

He admits that “someone” clearly wants to say that Glimt has the benefits of both artificial turf and weather and cold, but he thinks so not Steals anything from the All Norwegian Super Team performance.

– I said to my roommate when the match was over: If I’m dreaming about this now, then you’ll take care of waking me, because that was fun!

Glimt is a good team, no matter how things change.

Back in the day: Knut Eddy (left) during the 1962 recording of “Stompa & Co.” Today, Eddie is 73 years old.

Congratulations from the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store (Labour) also threw himself into the congratulatory queue in Bodø/Glimt.

– Tonight we put our favorite – and supportive – team aside and just say: ‘Bodu Glimt! 6-1 over Roma is a great achievement! Cheers and good luck with the sequel! Stor wrote Twitter account sin.

As Minister of Fisheries Björn Scheran (PT) rejoices at the victory:

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– It’s indescribable. I actually have no words for this, he told VG.

On Thursday, he had to content himself with watching the match on TV in Oslo, but said he was at the Aspmyra Stadium for the first time in 1978. At the time, Harald “Dutte” Berg was one of the stars of the Bodø team.

“Since then, we have enjoyed our grandchildren—not least great-grandson Patrick, who was absolutely gorgeous tonight,” says Skjæran.

Almost to tears

– I sat down with another player from Rosenborg, and as I say: I am now forgotten. It’s so cool that I don’t think it’s true, former footballer Jan Ivar ‘Minnie Jacobsen’ tells VG.

Jacobsen notes that he has had some great experiences. He played, among other things, when Rosenborg beat Real Madrid at home in Lerkendal in 1997. Now it is Glimt who has taken the victory from a big club.

It’s almost like tears take me, says Jacobsen.

He tore several children’s shoes and football at Bodo before moving to Trondheim and Rosenborg and nicknamed “Air Baron”. A former Glimt player on a celebratory team in Trondheim, he had to run back and forth, with mock visits, to peek into the match.

– Glimt is almost all of Norway now. It’s so amazing, it’s a beautiful achievement. I’m very lucky to be able to travel to Rome in 14 days, Jacobsen says, so I’m excited.

In the Closet: Jon Ivar “Minnie” Jacobsen sits next to Ronar Berg after Glimt’s win over Lynn away in 2003. Then Minnie left.

– Magical night

Ex-Glimt player and Italy pro Ronar Berg watched the match from the stands and told VG that the atmosphere at Aspmyra was great after the match.

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“It was a bit of a magical evening, I’d just say it,” says Berg, who is also the uncle of Bodo/Glimt captain Patrick Berg.

– It was a bit unrealistic. I thought Glimt would play well, but they would outsmart a major international team so much – that gang never ceases to amaze. Laughing and they are not finished yet.

– How will the celebration be?

– The city of Bodo will be enough to stand a little on its head, and now I will move to the city, he says.

Family: Organe Berg, Patrick Berg, Harald Berg and Ronar Berg, here from a previous interview with VG at Espmera Stadium. Ronar Berg is the uncle of Patrick Berg, who was the captain of the team when Bodo / Glimt outperformed Roma.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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