Rules for using ChatGPT in tests and submissions

Rules for using ChatGPT in tests and submissions
Discussed: ChatGPT can write ready-made texts on topics that you decide on your own, and this can affect submissions and exams.

Many universities and colleges are now discussing regulations for students. Some are considering changes and more school exams.


in your short time chat It became a big topic of conversation between pupils and students. The popular chat tool ChatGPT can do just that Easier to cheat When applying and exams.

Artificial intelligence, known as AI, has in a short time become so good and accessible that programs can discuss problems and answer questions you ask them.

VG previously wrote about Andrea (18) in Oslo who I got ChatGPT to write a submissionI got the 5th grade on the assignment.

VG asked Norway’s largest educational institutions how they relate to AI, and whether they penalize students who use AI.

Plagiarism checks are less likely to detect that the texts were generated by artificial intelligence, NTNU reports.

– Appointment should be an individual’s independent work and the result of individual learning and work efforts, says Hanna Ikeli, Director of the Study Management Department at the University of Oslo.

NTNU: Not allowed

Norway’s largest university understands that using ChatGPT or any other AI is fraud or plagiarism.

On Friday, NTNU will gather management to discuss how the development will affect the way testing and assessments are conducted at the university.

NTNU points out that the use of artificial intelligence is already prohibited in its current application and examination rules.

“Scientific plagiarism. This means that you use text or content created by someone else and pretend that you wrote or created it yourself,” she says, among other things, in Guidelines.

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Agder University: It can affect the exam

– In general, AI can be used as an aid in application and exams, but answers written with the help of AI are not allowed to be submitted, says Director of Education Greta Helding.

They are now evaluating whether there is a need to change the regulations regarding source references.

Will this affect this semester’s exam?

– This will affect this semester’s exam in the sense that exam assignments may have to be designed in different ways than before. This will be a discussion in all professional circles.

University of Oslo: Consideration of changes

– It is not allowed to submit an exam answer generated by artificial intelligence, says Ekeli of UiO.

In the university’s bylaws, nothing is explicit about the use of artificial intelligence, but the principal encourages students to become familiar with what constitutes a good use of resources.

Ikele believes that artificial intelligence can lead to changes in exams.

– It is important to design unanswerable exam questions with the help of artificial intelligence.

University of Southeast Norway: change in the examination format

– Artificial intelligence challenges the way we write exam papers, as well as the way we work during the course, says Director of Education and Study Quality Vibeke Bredal, and adds:

– In the short term, this may lead to a shift towards existing examination models in a more closed environment – such as written school examinations and oral examinations.

You believe that artificial intelligence can be used in exams for which all aids are available to gain a good knowledge base.

What is important is that the work submitted by the students must be their own work.

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OsloMet: Get more attention

– Our teachers and examiners will probably be more aware of this problem this spring, says Acting Vice-Chancellor of OsloMet, Silje Fekjær.

And you maintain that it is never allowed to present other people’s work as your own – even when written by a bot.

We need to rethink how we formulate tasks and the forms of assessment we use.

University of Bergen: Even the colleges

At UiB, it is now up to colleges and professional communities to decide how much ChatGPT students can use.

At the beginning of February, the university meets in a symposium to educate all lecturers and researchers about the problem.

“At the same time that potential measures and penalties against use are discussed, it is important that everyone who teaches and supervises familiarizes themselves with the tools, experimenting with them in their respective areas, and seeing opportunities and challenges in learning and assessment,” he said. Vice Chancellor at UiB Pinar Heggernes previously wrote in a Chronicle.

Høgskolen i Innlandet: It could lead to more school exams

The university’s vice chancellor for education, Stein Grunvold, says they have no reason to believe that AI use is widespread among students.

– There is no express prohibition of using ChatGPT, but students should not present other people’s work as their own. This also applies if a bot does the job.

This week the College will assess whether the regulations should be updated.

Fact-based tests should probably be taken as school-based tests, as a chatbot cannot be used, Grunvold says.

She says it is too early to say whether this semester’s exams will be affected.

Høyskolen Kristiania: Legal assistance

– Where all aids are permitted, you may use technological tools, such as ChatGPT, as part of your submission from time to time. At all times, test assignments must be the work of the students, says Sarah Paulson, the university’s vice chancellor for education at Christiania.

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The college formed a working group to assess whether there is a need to change the assessment methods.

Will this affect this semester’s exam?

– might happen. The working group created will look at, among other things, how to ask test questions so that technology is not of much use.

Høgskulen på Vestlandet: There is no prohibition in the regulations

The university’s vice chancellor for education, Anne-Grethe Naustedal, said the college had not developed a strategy for how to use AI.

– We don’t currently have any regulations prohibiting the use of AI, and maybe we should take a closer look at this eventually. And she says we probably won’t make an institutional decision on a ban.

There is a professional evaluation of legal aid.

The College is now looking at various measures to ensure that staff are well trained on the opportunities and challenges of AI. In this way, they will also ensure that the test assignments are designed in a way that aligns with the technology.

UiT: teaches students

– We can assume that most subject managers were not particularly aware of this problem in the pre-Christmas exam period, says exam leader Christine Johan Bey at the Arctic University of Norway’s UiT.

In the future, the university will specify in the regulations whether ChatGPT is allowed or is an “not allowed” help in exams.

– This semester we will inform students that they cannot use ChatGPT, unless it is mentioned as an allowed utility. If the examiners deem the answer to be fraudulent, a cheating case will be opened, and the case will have to be prosecuted legally.

This is how it went when a VG got a tutor to grade an assignment written by ChatGPT:


Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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