Russian warship shown on propaganda channel

Russian warship shown on propaganda channel
Strong fire: A view from the harbor in Birjansk Thursday morning.

British intelligence believes that Ukrainian forces will continue to attack logistical targets in the Russian-occupied areas of the country. Earlier today, an important Russian warship was bombed.


The Russian battleship Orsk was shown on RT the previous day as follows:

This is a unique sight: the Russian naval fleet is lying in a port left without a fight by Ukrainian troops, and the facilities are completely intact.

CNN writes.

The next day, the port in Berdyansk was closed and the ship caught fire.

RT may also have revealed how strategically important this particular ship was supposed to be in the war:

Black smoke: The fire in the harbor was visible from a distance in Berdyansk.

The purpose of this ship is to transport troops and heavy equipment. The ship can accommodate 20 tanks and 40 armored transport vehicles, along with hundreds of soldiers, says the reporter on the case in RT.

– A new beginning

One senior officer also explains that Orsk’s arrival is a milestone, as it opens up entirely new opportunities for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to use existing Ukrainian infrastructure for what he calls logistical operations.

The Russian military authorities did not comment on the bombing of the ship, while a Ukrainian army statement confirmed that the ship was hit in the port of Berdyansk.

A US defense spokesman said it was very likely that Ukraine had succeeded in attacking the ships in Berdyansk, but it was not clear what type of weapon was used.

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The British Ministry of Defense, in its intelligence report Thursday evening, wrote that it is likely that Ukrainian forces will continue to attack logistical targets in the Russian-occupied areas of the country.

“This will force the Russian military to prioritize the defense of supply lines, depriving them of much-needed new supplies for their forces,” the ministry wrote.

This will weaken Russia’s ability to carry out offensive operations, and further damage the already weak morale, they continue.

The Defense Ministry also indicated that, on Thursday, Ukrainian forces attacked important targets in the areas occupied by Russia. Among other things, ammunition depots and thus the Russian ship in Berdyansk, As VG reported earlier on Thursday.

Earlier this week, there were reports of one Ukrainian counterattack in several placesUkrainian forces claimed, among other things, that they had recaptured the city of Makarev, 65 kilometers west of Kyiv.

On Wednesday, British intelligence wrote in its daily update that Ukrainian forces may besiege Russian forces. They also wrote that it is possible that successful counterattacks could disrupt the Russians’ attempts to reorganize and continue the offensive.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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