Sadness and shock over the death of rapper Einar – F

Sadness and shock over the death of rapper Einar – F
They worked together: Victor Lexel (left) and the now deceased Einar.

– My beloved friend. One of Sweden’s greatest pop artists wrote that it shouldn’t end this way. Very shocking, says Norwegian rap star Camillen.


Both Sweden and the outside world are in shock 19-year-old rapper Einar was murdered Thursday evening.

Among the many mourners was pop star Victor Lexel, 24, best known for the song “Weak”.

Publishing notes about Einar in Instagram From night to Friday.

– My brother damn it hurts so much. When you and I talked, there was nothing but creativity and music. We wanted everyone to hear the damn cute song you and I have been trying out for a year. Lexel wrote: We looked forward to standing there at a festival and singing it together.

– Warm and loving

Einar mentions the nickname Nessi, writes that he feels like a big brother to him and also mentions that the rapper wanted “away”:

The Santa Claus I had the honor of getting to know was such a warm and loving boy, and so I will remember you forever. Damn it would be like that. My dear friend, rest in peace. See you on the other side.

Terrible: camel.

– He was 19 years old, still the closest of children. It’s pretty shocking, Marcus Cabello Mole Musil (28), better known as rapper Camillen, tells VG.

He expresses his great admiration for Einar as an artist. The 19-year-old Swede had more than 30 million Spotify songs on his most popular tracks.

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– I think this is very sad, he was a crazy talent, I listened to him a lot. Perhaps Sweden’s greatest artist.

Camel says he realized there were a number of fights in the Swedish rap scene.

– But a lot happened. My thoughts go to family and relatives.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven was also involved in the case.

– It’s the life of a young woman who died, and I understand that it meant a lot to many young people. According to the news agency, it is tragic that another young woman’s life has disappeared TT.

Tragic: Stefan Lofven on Einar’s murder.

On Friday night, a memorial service for the rapper will be held in Dalin, where he grew up.

– In order to remember Einar and emphasize the seriousness of what happened. Sandra Erickson says our young people shouldn’t grieve alone either in the middle.

Pop star Zara Larsson posted this on her Friday Night Insta Story:

The giant Swedish division of concert organizer Live Nations has signed up Instagram:

Nils “Einar” Grunberg 2002 – 2021 left us one of today’s greatest talents. Despite his young age, he broke into the whole of Swedish music with his words and amazing presence. We are honored to be a part of his artistic journey. Our thoughts go out to the family and all those close to him, as well as all the fans he touched ❤ Rest in peace Niels. “

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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