School and Education, USN Campus Ringerike

School and Education, USN Campus Ringerike

Complete 25 students Master’s in Management Information SystemsAt a time when it was almost impossible to meet physically. Stendal was deeply impressed by the way the students have found ways to collaborate digitally, and how they have been able to stay motivated during the pandemic.

They are now ready for a work life that almost requires IT skills. Stendhal says the teacher they received is a little different from a regular IT education.

With this master, they can become bridge builders between those who develop technology and those who use it. They studied what happens at the crossroads between the people and technology and the organizations that will use the technology, she says.

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It thrived well in Hønefoss

Ketil Sletmo completed her master’s after bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and Information Systems at the Ringerike campus (back of photo, number 3 from left).

He chose the Masters because he wanted a broader competence, and was a little unsure of what he wanted to work on after the Bachelor’s. It was also believed that the study had interesting topics.


  • 15 students graduated in the first full batch.
  • They will receive their degrees on campus on Friday, June 24th.
  • The MSc in Management Information Systems moved from application number 316 in 2021 to 516 in 2022.
  • It was the most popular study on the Ringerike campus in 2022, as well as the study with the largest increase (43.3%).
  • It is also the largest study competition for every study place in 2022. (516 applicants for 50 study places)
  • In the fall of 2022, she will also start studying as a business manager.
  • Many local businesses are associated with the new business master.
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– He went well to complete his master’s during the pandemic, but it wasn’t like attending the lectures you were used to in the bachelor’s. Teaching online means that we are not allowed to meet physically in class. He said the last year of the master’s was much better after we started physical education again.

Ketil feels he is left with relevant job market experience within IT. He says the proficiency you get on the Ringerike campus makes it easy to get a good and interesting job when you finish your education.

– I had a lot of fun at Hønefoss, both at Bachelor’s and Master’s. It’s a small college campus, and you quickly get to know other people who go to university. The student environment is very good, and I would recommend others to study at Hønefoss.

Karen Stendhal says the study is more about how organizations, such as a large corporation or a municipality, can take advantage of opportunities in available technology, but in a way that makes it easier for users, not more complicated.

Not all new technologies are as intuitive and easy to use as the iPhone. Not everyone wants to use new technology, if it is not suitable for them. Many obstacles can arise, and it is important to understand what lies behind.

There aren’t many places in Norway where you can get such an education, and in the fall you will also be offered studying as a business professor at the Ringerike campus. Many local IT companies are already partnered with USN, and will accept master’s students into part-time jobs, as the USN MBA model suggests.

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Ringerike IT Forum

– It’s a visible result of Ringerike IT Forumwhere we and local businesses meet regularly and become known, says Karen Stendhal.

Stendal was quite clear in her speech, when we asked her about job opportunities for these students.

They do not become unemployed, unless they themselves choose not to work.

– What kind of jobs can they get?

They can get other types of jobs besides bachelors. A Bachelor of Information Technology usually gives you a job as a system developer or programmer, while you can get more formatting jobs with a master’s. You have a solid knowledge of IT, but at the same time you know a lot about how large organizations and businesses operate. In a way, we can say that you are fluent in several languages, and this means that you can play a very important role when using new technology. These professional groups do not usually speak the same language.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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