We critics are allegedly unscientific. But science only shows one way.
Halvor Nice
Chief Physician and Professor, Bergen

This is the topic of discussion. Post was written by an outside contributor, and quality assured by BT’s Debating Department. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.
many of us Those who have been criticizing the handling of the Covid pandemic and global warming are met with arguments that we are unscientific. We were told to shut up and do as the authorities ordered because the authorities follow the flag.
Politicians and bureaucrats claim that there is a scientific consensus that lays the foundations for politics. Gro Harlem Brundtland, for example, said that unethical to doubt climate outcomes, And Anthony Fauci, who was a very centralized bureaucrat in the American epidemic management, stated this It represents science.
No individual or organization represents science.
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science has Over the centuries, we have made tremendous progress and contributed to the rise in our standard of living and our longevity, and it is well deserved respect.
Unfortunately, there is a common belief shared by politicians and bureaucrats that it is linear path From basic research to applied research, technology and improving people’s living standards. Since private companies are accused of underfunding basic research, it is argued that taxes should be funded by the state. The linear model is the reason for this Today, the state funds science so far.
But assuming a linear path from basic research to increasing living standards is wrong. Scientific, technological and economic progress is not linear, but the result of independent actors trying to make mistakes. This presupposes a great deal of freedom and acceptance of the various speculations that independent colleagues and others might criticize. Most speculations are wrong and a definitive truth is seldom revealed.
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government funding Of the basic research tends to unify the science, I think. This is especially the case in politically volatile regions such as the Covid pandemic and global warming. The consensus resulting from lack of independence impedes further scientific progress, dissenters are not met with factual arguments, but mocked, slandered, and censorship.
In support of the wrong linear model, one has OECD study showed it Tax-funded research does not lead to economic growth.
Through the media, we are wrongly presented as saying that there is scientific consensus on how to deal with the pandemic and global warming. In fact, there is a wide range of perceptions Among scientists and economists, politicians are almost certain to make serious mistakes if opponents are not allowed to.
Science must be free, and we must oppose anti-science culture as portrayed by, for example, Gro Harlem Brundtland, which fears that: We lose control of what people are told».
Flag appears Not just one way, but many ways, and the best way we find is in freedom.
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