Shiv Jensen on Erna Solberg: The Last Trick – VG

Shiv Jensen on Erna Solberg: The Last Trick – VG
Important for Solberg: When Erna Solberg brought in the so-called IS woman from Syria in 2019, Shiv Jensen expelled the FRP from government.

Shiv Jensen believes Erna Solberg has stopped taking Frp into account in the fall of 2019 – despite repeated warnings.


Former FRP leader Shiv Jensen lowers the profile of Solberg’s inner life in his new autobiography.

He says he has noticed a significant change in the Prime Minister’s attitude towards government partners in the FRP since the customs deal in 2019.

Weinstein and KrF stood on one side – Frp vertically on the other.

Shiv Jensen thought he could break the government, but the crisis was averted.

– Instead of the agreement between the four ruling parties leading to a new impetus, the exact opposite happened. It was as if many of the members of the government had lost their temper. Erna in particular may be. Shiv Jensen writes in the book that this surprised me.

He says that after fulfilling the dream of the bourgeois majority government, Prime Minister Erna Solberg has no intention of presenting big problems.

– She’s going to steer the ship. It was as if a four-party government had become more important to him than concrete political developments, he adds.

Happy Days: Shiv Jensen became Finance Minister in the Erna Solberg government in 2013.

Protected by pearl necklace

In 2015, the Liberal Party and the Green Party increasingly clashed again in the classic conflict: car tax and environmental measures.

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After long negotiations, the Liberal Party still refused to support the budget.

In the book, Shiv Jensen describes the danger of a government crisis as immediate, but the FRP will no longer allow itself to be pressured.

“I had enough and took the Prime Minister as an order:
– Erna, I have nothing to give now! ”, Jensen writes.

Jensen describes how ministers are crying in the prime minister’s office, a high – level meeting with delegates and a very frustrated prime minister who has to set aside time because of anger.

Good company: Shiv Jensen and Erna Solberg said they are growing in each other’s company after 100 days in government.

Unexpected help came in the form of a pearl necklace from the side:

– Erna was at the breaking point. For an hour she kept her fingers busy turning the pearls around the neck she was wearing. She does it often
She’s bored or stressed, Jensen writes.

In the middle of an engagement post from Jensen, the damage and the pearl necklace smoked.

As the pearls rolled on the floor, a wild and liberating laugh erupted in the room – and the mood changed, so they came to an agreement.

Roughly speaking, Jensen writes that both this Christmas car package and the government were saved by Erna Solberg’s broken pearl necklace.

Withdrawal: Shiv Jensen says FRP cannot sit in government that brought IS woman home. The depreciation of the government was strong after Erna Solberg brought both the Liberal Party and the KrF into government.

Jensen about Weinstein and KrF: – Arguing with young children

Jensen writes that government depreciation increased significantly when there was a majority government with the Liberal Party and the KrF.

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– The problem for Erna’s new government is that all compromises have left a gray, unrecognizable and dull monotonous policy that has not really benefited any of the four parties. Jensen writes that voters are also bored.

He writes that the FRP had to focus more on the Liberal Party and the Christian Democrats.

– I often get annoyed about this because he writes that there is something about fighting kids who never get enough snow.

He believes the Liberal Party and the KrF are not as liberal.

– Erna always understood trying to balance these things, until she was pushed enough. I don’t really know what happened, but by the fall of 2019, I felt that Erna had stopped focusing on us. I warned her again and again, Jensen writes.

Got a dog: Shiv Jensen resigned as Frp party leader in February and went to buy a dog. Here with the then Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

Not reached

Shiv Jensen first took the Frp into government, but on 20 January 2020 it ended its leadership for more than six years.

The trigger case is that Norway brought home an IS woman and her two children, one of whom is thought to be seriously ill.

The case of the IS woman was very difficult for Frp, but they agreed to bring the children home, Jensen writes.

Bringing the girl home is completely different.

Jensen was unable to make a decision in the party system because the rescue operation was secret.

Upon learning of this, the FRP said they would bring a list of demands to be met if they were to stay in government.

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Jensen writes that the list was never completed and that it was clear to him that they could not continue in government.

Jensen writes that Solberg underestimated how painful this case was for Frp.

– Or she may have decided it was KrF and Weinstre. I do not know. On a beautiful day, we know Jensen writes and adds:

– Anyway, I thought it was weird because we were the most important part of cooperating on the bourgeois side. I was also Erna’s constant companion for a few years. When she didn’t listen to me, I had to pay attention.

New Office: Erna Solberg met Vijay this fall in his new office on the 4th floor of Storting.

– Good teamwork

Shiv Jensen quotes Conservative leader Erna Solberg.

– Shiva and I had close good cooperation for many years. Together, our parties have reduced taxes for most people, paved roads across the country, and the Norwegian economy now has more legs to stand on, Solberg writes in an email to VG:

– I think it would be nice for retired politicians to say their version, and look forward to reading the book. Train has also written his own version, and I may bring my version in many years. He adds that this is probably a combination of different versions that represent reality.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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