Shrub fires out of control in Kvinesdal – wildfire helicopter – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, Television & Radio

Shrub fires out of control in Kvinesdal – wildfire helicopter – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, Television & Radio

– It burns on a challenging terrain, it is very challenging and now we have got a helicopter. It will work to get water on the ground, says Andre Proofsen, task force chief of the fire service.

Employees from four different fire stations are involved in extinguishing an uncontrolled scrub fire at Astordalen in Quinnestal, Akter.

The fire was reported just before 6pm on Monday. When firefighters arrived at the scene, the fire was burning.

The fire helicopter was on the scene at about 8 p.m.

Proofsen argues that the traditional method of extinguishing wildfires, called so-called wildfires, is not effective now because it is so dry. Water is needed.

Firefighting helicopter in Kvinesdal

The summoned fire helicopter was in Quinnestal around 8pm on Monday night.

Photo: Matthias Hamre / NRK

Careless handling of matches

According to on-site police operations manager Train Dracland, the fire may have been caused by careless handling of matches.

– We talked to some kids about this, she says.

The police will file a case.

Buildings should not be at risk of spreading fire.

Scrub fire in Kvinesdal

Careless handling of matches can cause a fire.

Photo: Matthias Hamre / NRK

Warned today

It has been dry for a long time in most parts of the country, the fire brigade in Akhtar issued another warning on Twitter on Monday:

“If you want to burn a little, do not do it !!! It is very dry and not recommended before significant rain. Thanks in advance !!”

Despite this, there have been several fires in Akhtar during the day.

In addition to the fire at Quinnestal, there were fires in both Lintol and Grimstad.

The fire was extinguished up to 100 meters away when firefighters arrived in the Lingdal area and put out the blaze.

In Grimstad, it burned on a hill with a new land.

Both of these were dropped very quickly.

Scrub fire in Quinnestal lost control

The smoke coming from the bush fire is visible in the distance.

Photo: Matthias Hamre / NRK

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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