Sonder Mulongo Nyström and Björg Thorlsdottir:

Sonder Mulongo Nyström and Björg Thorlsdottir:

“Farmen kjendis” is well underway, and on Wednesday it became clear that Kristin Jelsvik (37) should go out in a duel in Sunday's episode – a Sunday that signals that we are in the middle of the series.


  • TV presenters Bjørg Thorhallsdottir and Sondre Mulongo Nystrøm broke the rules on 'Celebrity Farm' by leaving the farm.
  • They met a farmer who offered them pizza, but they refused.
  • They also talked to neighbors to get news updates.
  • Illegal activity occurred in the evening when the camera crew was not at work.
  • TV 2 was not aware of the events.
  • So far, this year's participants look pretty decent, and most of them have repeatedly declared themselves regular contestants. That's not to say that everything happened by the book inside Lee's farm.

    Opens: Oni Askeland talks candidly about life and nudity when 'Magasinet' caught up with her for a chat recently. Video: Red Runner / Havard Bjornerum. Reporter: Björn Ecker
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    – A feeling of liberation

    For participants, it is illegal to move outside the fences surrounding the “Farmen kjendis” farm. This was something participants often related to.

    But artist Bjørg Thorhallsdottir (49) and artist Sondre Mulongo Nystrøm (29) told Dagbladet that they stretched the flexibility a little too much. In the dead of night, they must have crept into the woods and left the farm.

    - I didn't

    -I never did the “farm” again


    – Yes, we left the farm and finally met a farmer who was standing in one of the courtyards and smiling at us. “Farmen kendis” is the closest thing I’ve ever had to being in prison, so it was a really liberating feeling,” says Thorhalsdottir.

    See also  - I'm shocked - VG

    It's happened before

    This is not the first time that the song “Farmen kjendis” has been recorded in Li gård. Also in 2019, a group of celebrities gathered here.

    At that time, there were names like Runar Søgaard (56 years old), Sven Ostvik (62 years old), Trud Mostow (55 years old), and Olli “Lukkøye” Klemitsyn (52 years old).

    -I regret it very much

    -I regret it very much

    Along the way, it was discovered that participants had large quantities of pizza from Peppe's Pizza delivered to their door after contacting neighbors in the area.

    I talked to the neighbors

    Thorhallsdottir explains that she and Nystrom finally came to a farm where a farmer stood there and smiled at them.

    – This wasn't the first time someone had been 'imprisoned' at Lee's farm, so he didn't seem too surprised when a couple of 'prisoners' visited him again. He said Ole “Lukkøye” Klemetsen had been there several times. It was very nice to meet him.

    On tour: Sondre Mulongo Nystrøm, Unni Askeland and Bjørg Thorhallsdottir became good friends on the farm.  Photography: Anton Sogio/TV2

    On tour: Sondre Mulongo Nystrøm, Unni Askeland and Bjørg Thorhallsdottir became good friends on the farm. Photography: Anton Sogio/TV2
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    Sondre Mulongo Nystrøm confirms the story of the “famous Farmen” friend.

    -We snuck out and looked around a bit at the areas where people lived, and ended up talking to some neighbors. I asked people what happened in the news photo recently, as I recall.

    He explains: - Not consciously!

    He explains: – Not consciously!


    -I was about to ask people if they could “make” the pizza in exchange for me flipping it later. But I didn't have the conscience to return to the farm with a whiff of garlic dressing all over me. I probably would have only been able to get two small ones anyway,” he says with a laugh.

    I offered pizza

    According to Thorlsdottir, they didn't even need to order some extra food.

    – The neighbors had offered beer, pizza and the like to the participants last time, so they asked us if we wanted the same thing. No one believes us, but we already refused. For us, it was very interesting to talk to someone other than the people we were hanging out with 24/7 on the farm. We needed to breathe a little.

    The full argument: After going off badly in the first week of “Farmen kjendis”, things escalated between Bahare Viken and Cristian Brennhovd. And that's how it went when we invited them to resolve the conflict. Video: Thea Hope/Red Runner
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    The violations must have occurred in the evening when the camera crew was not at work, and must have occurred twice.

    -We did something completely illegal. Movement outside the walls was not really allowed, and security guards cordoned off the area to make sure no people left and no unauthorized persons entered.

    - Angry, provocative, and very embarrassed

    – Angry, provocative, and very embarrassed

    Pigeons in Miosa

    The 49-year-old tells of copious adrenaline as it happened.

    -We felt like real criminals. We went there and hid from all kinds of people. But the coolest thing was when we saw Buliland and Espa near Meosa, we felt like we were seeing Mecca. We both wanted to go swimming to secure some cake.

    Opens: - I was about to ask people if they could

    Opens: – I was about to ask people if they could “make” pizza, says Sondre Mulongo Nystrøm about the violations. Photography: Anton Sogio/TV2
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    It was also delicious to bathe in the aforementioned Mjøsa, where they released leeches and dung into the water on Li's farm.

    – Finally we were able to shower with clean water, says the 49-year-old artist and laughs.

    TV 2 had no idea

    Jan Peter Dahl, press director at TV 2, tells Dagbladet that the channel wants to give participants as authentic an experience as possible of farm life in 1924, and so there are rules for what participants can access, what they can do and where they can move.

    – Participants have a specific area in which they must stay and are not allowed to leave the farm. Meanwhile, survival on the farm depends largely on trust, so if someone makes a real effort to break the rules, they can succeed in doing so, he says.

    Cleavage naked yet

    Naked cleavage after “Farmen kendis”

    – Did TV 2 and the production know that the participants sneaked outside the legal area?

    – No, this was not known to the production.

    – Has anyone ever been caught trying to do this?

    – no.

    Special agreement: Oni Askeland can be seen in “Farmen kendis” these days. Many people wondered why the artist was allowed to wear sunglasses inside the farm. Now you answer. Reporter: Björn Ecker. Video: Thea Hope/Red Runner
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    Dahl confirms that the farm was equipped with guards who patrolled the area.

    -We have guards on the farm, yes, but the guards are mainly on site to ensure the safety of the participants. Participants are not trapped, so it is possible to get out if you go for it, says Jan Peter Dahl to Dagbladet.

    Ashura Okorie

    Ashura Okorie

    "Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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