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Sony QD OLED wins Norwegian awards
Models from Sony will be much more expensive than similar TVs from Samsung.
Sony was the first to launch so-called “QD OLED,” a new TV technology that combines traditional OLED and quantum dots during this year’s CES show in Las Vegas.
To many, it seemed a little strange that Sony was the fastest of all, given that the actual board technology was made by rival Samsung – which three months later managed to pull the S95B with the same technology out of the hat.
Both manufacturers will supply 55- and 65-inch QD OLED TVs, as only 65-inch Samsung was shown at retail – at a suggested retail price of 34990 kr.
Now the other prices are ready as well, and no, it’s not straightforward cheap to rush to buy the new technology.
Sony’s new QD OLED model is called the A95K, and it certainly was an impressive sight when we sampled here earlier this year.
This model uses a panel made by Samsung, so it is quite normal to compare the prices of the two competitor models.
There are a number of differences between the two competitor models.
For the 55-inch Sony A95K, the suggested retail price in Norway is 33,000 NOK, which is 8,000 kroner more than the appropriate size and technology from Samsung. For the S95B it gets a suggested retail price of 24,990 kroner.
The price difference remains eight thousand kroner if you choose to increase the size as well, since you have to shell out 43,000 kroner for a 65-inch Sony.
Both OLED and quantum dots have been on the market for quite some time, but only now are the two technologies being integrated. Quantum dots were previously used in conjunction with LCD backlights.
This backlight has now been replaced by OLED technology, in which blue light is sent towards the quantum dots, which in turn give you an image and colors on the screen.
When we first saw this technology earlier this year, we saw many of the same features that traditional OLED offers. Such as full control of the light, which among other things provides an ideal black level.
The most obvious difference was that QD OLED appears to have more to offer in color, especially in the yellow and green areas. Among other things, we got the new Sony A81 screen alongside a QD OLED, and when an orange image was shown, it was more realistic with the new technology.
But how big the differences are between regular OLED screens, and not least how big the difference between screens from Sony and Samsung are, we only know when these new screens will find their way into our test lab.
(source: Engadget)
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